Day 6

I forgot to blog yesterday! I’m sure the 4 people reading this will understand.

First, the really horrible news. Deaths are up to 100 in the US and reported cases sit at just over 6K so we are definitely heading toward an Italy situation. I’m hearing things on twitter about how the government better not bailout those greedy corporations, and as an aviation family I’m sitting over here going, well, we aren’t greedy and if they don’t bail out the airlines thousands of people will lose their jobs. Like immediately. We should be OK since Scott has been with the airline so long but really at this point, nobody knows anything and if they say they know for sure, they’re lying.

In brighter news, it’s Scott’s birthday! So we are going to celebrate! Well the kids and I are. He hates celebrating his birthday so we normally just dance around him and sing like he’s a May pole or something. I bought him a gift he’s going to love and btw, got it the DAY BEFORE the Apple store closed. No spoilers but the have the words AIR AND POD in their title.

I’m continuing to post videos everyday. Not exactly sure how long I’ll be able to keep that up but going to give it my best! Dogs go to the vet today for heart worm meds and shots – I thought about cancelling but seriously they may shut down soon and these puppies need their medical treatment.

I am worried about my son in Texas and wish he would come home. I’m feeling like there’s a weird window closing where he may not be able to come home and that makes me panic a bit BUT I refuse to give into that. I will continue to strive to stay level headed and provide for my family the best way I know how, by staying positive, cracking wise, and bursting into song on the regular. BTW, if you know of a great karaoke YouTube channel please advise. Some of them are frankly HORRIFIC and I don’t want synthesizers as my back up orchestra. Yuck. Is it too much to ask for some high quality orchestral backup for home isolation karaoke? I don’t think so.

William (20 year old son) went to work today in retail. Why that was necessary I’m not sure but he went because a bunch of people called in sick and didn’t want to go in for various reasons (all totally understandable!) and so he got up at 5 to go empty the truck and put the goods on the shelves that nobody will show up to buy.

UGH sorry, being quite cynical today. At least the sun is out here in GA so hopefully my mood will brighten. And btw, that cough and sneezing I have is ALLERGIES IN GEORGIA but it is also freaking me out.

Carry on, Citizens.

Love you,


2 thoughts on “Day 6

  1. I have family working for the airlines and worry for their jobs too. I do understand why folks are upset at airlines though, since apparently many use money they had to raise stock prices and now they don’t have money. I got to wonder what airlines make it through this, similar to 2008. Probably a decent time to be a cargo pilot though.

    It’s great you took your dogs to the vet! We took our cats to the vet yesterday and were hesitant but figured it may not be open later and they need business during these times as well.

    I really miss traveling so I hope things getter soon but I’m also grateful for having a home and a job. A family member who loves to travel got laid off so I count my blessings. Maybe I’ll take this time to catch up on things or start writing more.

    1. Can you believe the day after we went they went to a locked door at our vet? Meaning no normal visits and emergency visits only. And yes, love our vet and want them to weather the storm well!! And so many jobless claims . . yes, counting our blessings for sure and hoping and praying for those in need right now!

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