Running and Anxiety

I am writing this while the anxiety is actually happening and I feel like that will help everyone to know I’m not saying this about somebody else, writing from an inauthentic place, or regurgitating info I read in Runner’s World.

One of my twins is going in for relatively minor, out-patient surgery tomorrow. But my husband is in London (of course) and I will be dealing with the whole thing alone. The hospital check-in, the worries about him being put under, the getting him home and on the couch and on pain meds . . alone.

Well, of course I’ll have my friends just a phone call away. And in my head, I know the day will go fine but I already have such gut wrenching anxiety that seriously as I’m typing this I might need to take a break to go throw up.

This, My Friends, is the part of parenting nobody bothered to tell me. That you will frequently be so anxious about the welfare of your children that you could actually vomit. It’s actually as fun as it sounds.

But I am going, right now, as soon as I’m done typing, to get on the treadmill for four miles of what I hope will lower my blood pressure, settle my fears, and chill me out.

There’s lots of other things I could do. I could eat carbs, I could drink, I could shop – and honestly, who would blame me? But if I run instead, the long term benefits will benefit me far more than those others things with the bonus of no extra pounds on the scale or a scary credit card bill coming in the mail.

I’ve used this technique for a lot of years now and I’ve learned it is the NUMBER ONE way for me to get my head back on straight. I know people who go to kick boxing when they feel this way, or go for a 100 mile bike ride, or swim a mile. But they all say the same thing I do – they always feel BETTER afterwards and better able to face the challenges ahead.

I will also, of course, be praying and I would actually love it if you would, too! Because what’s the point of having a blog if you can’t put out an APB for prayer for your kid? I know, right?

I’ll check in afterwards tomorrow, maybe even from the waiting room because writing is my other coping go to and I don’t think they’ll let me run in the waiting room at the hospital.

Phil 4:19  “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Happy Running!!


One thought on “Running and Anxiety

  1. I’ll be keeping you and your son in my thoughts!

    I’ve been pretty stressed out too… about house hunting… of next weekend my husband and I will sign off the closing papers on our condo and we have yet to find a new home. I’m sure everything will work out just fine, but my stress level has been through the roof as we inch closer to the closing day. Last night I hoped that with so much on my mind the 100-degree weather wouldn’t bother me on my hour long evening run. Well, I was wrong, even my stressed out mind couldn’t get over how hot it was! Even though it has been a mild summer here in Dallas, I’m ready for cool weather!

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