I’ve Lost My Mojo . . .

Yes, Friends, it happens. Even to me. My running mojo has mysteriously and without reason disappeared. I don’t want to run. At all. I can feel the fat molecules multiplying and the wine from my weekend fun adding pounds as we speak.

I’ve been here before. It happens to everyone if you run long enough. And yes, I realize it’s because I just came off a major race (that took MAJOR time) and I am slightly burned out. Add to that my recent hatred toward my smelly treadmill (yes, I said smelly – no, I don’t know why), and my allergies which have made outside in the warm TX fall wind difficult and you have one lazy me:).

But I will not dismay! I will not fear! I will give myself 2 more days of laziness. Well, if you count today, which I will. On Saturday, my goal is to run 10 miles and I will get up and do it as an act of sheer will and hard core determination. Because that is who I am. I am NOT a person who gives in to a longing for my chaise in the back yard. I am a runner. Not every day, not every minute, but it’s there. Somewhere. And we will coax it out.

My month of laziness will come to a close and I will start training for real because there’s another marathon coming up in just a couple of months. One that I am very excited about, in fact, and want to run without wanting to die the whole time. And besides, it’s only going to be 45 or so when I head out Saturday morning so I’ll get to wear my cute capris . . .and yes, once again, I’ve proven an eternal, timeless truth . . .

It’s really all about the clothes.

Happy Running!!! No matter where your level of motivation is this week – be ye couch potato or iron woman, you ARE a runner. See you out there.


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