Favorite New Running Product!

I have really enjoyed linking up with the Tuesday on The Run Link Up! Each week I team up with a bunch of other great bloggers write about the same topic. And today’s topic is really appropriate for me.

Yesterday, I was at the podiatrist’s office because of a sharp pain I keep getting in my arch and (oddly) on the top of my foot at the end of long runs. They x-rayed, and I was worried. As I was waiting, I pictured all kinds of things, most of which contained the words “stress” and “fracture”.

But, joyfully, when she came in she not only told me how supportive she is of my running (and yes, even of minimalist running which I was waiting to mention until I could see where she stood;), but said that there was no reason for me to stop training. She did say that, because of my high arch, AFTER this marathon she’d like to see me in a shoe with a bit of arch support (but said zero drop was still the way to go for me.)

She then did two things: sold me a couple things and prescribed an anti-inflammatory for me to take the day before and the day of my long runs.

THIS little beauty is my new favorite running product.

You can put it in the freezer and it’s just like a frozen water bottle except for sturdier and the ridges really help. I’ll be doing this in the morning and at night and I can already feel it stretching out my arch like it’s supposed to.

I bought mine at her office and paid twice as much, but you can buy one on Amazon for less than $10. And if you buy it through this affiliate link, I’d appreciate it greatly!

So grateful for a great podiatrist and great inventions that enable us to keep running! Oh, and one more note:

As I was leaving, I asked her if runners have more PF than anybody else and she said NO. “I see it in sedentary people as much as I see it in runners.”

Good to know and GREAT to know that,  at least for now, I can continue my Happy Running!


12 thoughts on “Favorite New Running Product!

  1. So glad to hear that it was not a “stress fracture” going on and thrilled to hear that you can keep training for your race. I love the foot roller thingie too! I keep the foot rubz ball under my desk at work to roll my arches during the day. I will look into your roller for post long run relief at home.

  2. Yay Jen! So glad you got good news at the podiatrist and that you can keep on truckin’. 🙂 I too have high arches and have dealt with PF in the past. Right now I’m running in a pair of Asics as I love the support and cushioning they give me. I did try a pair of zero drop shoes when I was fitted for my current pair, but they felt ‘weird’ to me. I’m wondering now though if I should give them another look. Does the zero drop help with PF or your high arches? Do you mind telling me what brand you wear? I don’t mean to be nosey… I’m just a sponge when it comes to all things running. Seems like there is so much for this newbie to learn! Thanks!!

    1. Shannon, don’t be silly! I love all the questions! Right now, I’m alternating between Merrell Dash Gloves and Altra Zero Drop. Both are good but the Altra’s have a bit more arch support so I would start there. I’m just so excited that I found a runner friendly podiatrist! Some of them can be very anti.

  3. I actually got PF when I was doing Zumba before I started running. Glad you got good news and that looks like a wonderful product! I love my Altra Torins and I have a super high arch too! Thanks for linking up with us today!

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