Dear Jennifer, As You Head Out On Your Very First Run

I originally published this a couple of years ago. But when I saw today’s topic for Tuesday’s On The Run, I knew it needed a rerun. Because every word of this is still very true! Check out all the other great bloggers!!

A letter to the me that started out on her very first “real” run over four year ago. 38 years old with zero experience and not a tech shirt or a Runner’s World subscription or even any Body Glide to my name. Here goes. 

Dear Jennifer,

You’re scared. I know you are. Scared that you’re not going to be able to do it, that you’ll look like a fool, that your body won’t know what to do. After all, you were that girl that whined her way around the track for the mile in the 8th grade so really, what business do you have thinking you can train for and maybe even run a half marathon?

My VERY FIRST half. I was absolutely terrified. And Scott got out of bed to take this picture and wish me good luck. Yeah, he doesn't do that anymore;).
My VERY FIRST half. I was absolutely terrified. And Scott got out of bed to take this picture and wish me good luck. Yeah, he doesn’t do that anymore;).

All the business in the world. You see running is going to change you more than you can possibly imagine right now. It’s going to make you brave. It’s going to help you conquer depression. It’s going to give you space a few times a week to just be and not perform. It’s going to help you connect with God in a completely new way. It’s going to help you as you grieve the loss of your dad, and the trials of parenting, and the betrayals of people you love.

And there are other things you need to know, too. It’s not always going to be easy. In fact, more often than not a voice inside you is going to tell you that it’s not worth it. That you can handle your health and your depression by just cutting back on sweets and walking the dog and those will be sufficient to keep your hereditary diabetes and heart disease at bay.

You’re going to convince yourself, some days, that a few extra pounds are normal as you get into your 40’s and really, isn’t that the benefit of growing older anyway? What are you trying to prove?

But then you’ll remember that you’re not doing this for anybody else. You’re doing this for you. Because you need strength, and clarity of mind, and time where the only noise you hear is your feet pounding the pavement and the birds in your neighborhood. And on a few runs, the very voice of God.

It will be still, mind you. And not an actual voice like when God spoke to Moses. But it will be Him nonetheless and he will tell you to be still, and that you are going to survive, and that He will give you all you need to overcome. Wait, more than overcome. He will give you everything you need to triumph.

And you’ll run races. More races than you can possibly imagine right now. 10K’s and half marathons and full marathons. Distances that right now seem completely unattainable. But they will be yours. And, as Bart Yasso says, you will NEVER take a finish line for granted because every one is a blessing. And you will meet men and women online and in starting corrals and at expos and they will inspire you and keep you going and become lifelong friends. I know that seems unlikely right now. But it will happen. I promise.
Sometimes you’ll fail, and you’ll get sick, and you may even get hurt. Your body will disappoint you and you may even want to give up. Don’t. You’re on a journey to live the life God gave you and this is a big part of it.

You are strong. You are God’s child. You are capable.

You will run. And you will be beautiful.

So lace up those shoes and begin your journey.

Happy Running, Dear Girl. You got this.


7 thoughts on “Dear Jennifer, As You Head Out On Your Very First Run

  1. Thank you…..that was lovely and is exactly what i need to tell myself right now. I’m never sure why those thoughts of “quit” feel like they come after only me. Your authenticity and truth-tell is balm to my soul!!!

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