Cold Weather Running Tips for People Who Are Wimps About Cold Weather Running

Today I’m linking up with some other great bloggers through the Friday Five Link Up! We’re all writing about cold weather today so check it out!

I grew up in CA, AZ and TX. What that means is, I am not hearty when it comes to weather. I am going to preface this post with the keen knowledge that those of you that live in Michigan or Ohio or NY are going to think I am being ridiculous.

I know. I’m a huge baby.

But because of global warming (or something) it’s all the sudden really cold in Dallas in the winter and this year is looking to be bad, too. Wait, sorry, cold FOR DALLAS. It will not, in fact, be cold at all for Canadians. Can we move past that now? So my friends in Saskatchewan (yes, I have Saskatchewan friends) go ahead and stop reading because none of what I’m going to say is going to apply. But you can point and laugh if that will make you feel better.

This is Tim. He’s Canadian. He’s tough. I am not.

  1. Buy gear. For several years in a row here I could get by with just a light outer layer and capris even on the coldest days. Not this year. Fleece lined tights are on their way to my house and I just bought a new hat.
  2. Run later in the day if you can. My new job status (meaning I temporarily don’t have one) means I can do this. So yesterday, for example, I could wait until it warmed up to 37. I so wish I was being dramatic right now.
  3. Embrace the treadmill. I don’t do so good with the wind and/or ice. So if the windchill takes the temps down to something below 20 and there’s ice, I’m not running outside (please see opening paragraph). I actually don’t mind the treadmill for long runs as long as I can put in a good movie and wrap my head around it mentally. And I have to play lots of games – breaking a 10 miler down into 5, 2 mile runs for example. I don’t know why it works, but it does.
  4. Complain about it ALOT on social media. This actually does nothing, but may make you feel better.
  5. Remember that we live in TX and before we know it, it will be 100 degrees again! Because evidently we only have two seasons now. Summer and winter. So fun.

Bundle up my southern state friends! It’s gonna be a tough winter. But we can do it! And we will be stronger runners for it! (I actually don’t know if that’s true but wouldn’t it suck if we put up with all this and it meant nothing?)


14 thoughts on “Cold Weather Running Tips for People Who Are Wimps About Cold Weather Running

  1. Here’s my running tip for winter. Watch out for ice on sidewalks/streets from silly people who run their sprinklers when it’s below freezing. I went on a run two winters ago, and it was below freezing. I wasn’t worried, though, because there hadn’t been any precipitation. I was running along my merry way, and suddenly I was flying through the air and landing HARD on my hip. I slipped on ice from SPRINKLERS. In the WINTER. When all the grass is DEAD. I feel sorry for the poor guy who witnessed it (maybe it was HIS house?), but I wish he’d taken video. Maybe I could have won $10,000 from Tom Bergeron. Anyway, the positive side of running frozen is that I was already partially numb anyway, and I was basically IN an ice pack. My bruise was pretty impressive. Lesson learned.

  2. I do believe #4 is my favorite!! And considering I’m not a cold weather gal I do embrace the treadmill this time of year. And even though I live in MS we have the same weather so by next Saturday it should be 75 again! Cheers!!

  3. It’s no fair that we and to deal with the heat and now the cold, too! But, in reality, our cold never lasts too long and we never have ice and snow that lasts more than a day or two. So I’ll try to be brave. (typed with my fleeced lined leggings on)

  4. Not enjoying the cooler weather? My best friend lives in TX and complains about how it is too hot to run all summer, I would think the cooler weather would be a refreshing change? Keep warm this winter 😉

  5. VERY cold in Richmond, Virginia this a.m. 27 degrees at 7 a.m. when the 8K began. Need to buy ear warming things that actually stay in place and a pair of mittens to wear over gloves for days like today!

    Also there should be a law against sprinklers when it’s cold outside. Ran through one the other night because it was dark. Not pleasant when it’s 40 degrees.

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