Are you wondering if I got it done?

I’m a little sad today because many of my favorite running friends ran the Disneyland Half Marathon in Anaheim this morning. Scott and I ran it last year and had so much fun – how can you go wrong with gorgeous California weather, fun running peeps, and the original Disney park? Oh, and did I mention you run through Angel stadium? It’s no wonder this race sells out so quickly. I hate that I missed the fun but ladies, I know you represented well and had a great time in the process! Here’s  a fun video from a couple years ago but gives you a good feel for what the race is like. And bonus, if  you run the DL Half and then any of the WDW races, you get a Coast to Coast medal that looks something like this:

Pretty cool, yes?

OK, onto my best laid plans from last week’s post. So yes, I got through all the planned miles and survived. I went back and looked at where I was at this time in my training last marathon, and my time was similar BUT the weather was much cooler so I’m going to assume I’m faster:). And another improvement? I feel MUCH STRONGER at the end of my very long runs. Last time out, I felt like I was going to die by the end and truly, although it’s hard, I feel pretty strong even 17 miles in.:)

Tried something new with my nutrition – I did one packet of Honey Stinger Energy Chews, eating one or two every 3 miles or so, and let myself have one rice krispy treat for every 5 miles. Having that extra sugar really filled my tank and, I think, added to my strength even after 3+ hours of running. Oh, and I only got in 8 of the miles outside – 81 degrees, full sun, and 75% humidity were really doing me in so I ran in and got on my treadmill, Esther. She enjoyed our time together and I put on the sing along version of Beauty and The Beast. Yes, I just admitted to that publicly. Vulnerability is key;).

I will say that 18 miles on a Saturday pretty much wipes out the whole day. It’s not just the time it takes to do the mileage in marathon training, it’s how you’re so useless to do anything else that day. Or maybe I’m just lazy? There was a Dr. Who marathon and I was pretty content to sip my water and be brought things, and the requests went like this: “(fill in name of family member here) would you please bring me water/an apple/graham crackers/my laptop/my phone? I ran 18 miles this morning!”

And my family being who they are, they obliged. So maybe, just maybe, this whole thing is just a scheme for me to get out of any and all work. Only two things have achieved this for me in my life – pregnancy bed-rest (no fun) and marathon training. And my marathon medals do not require midnight feedings or diaper changes.

Epically failed on my strength training (well, I did move the curl bar from one side of the bedroom to the other but I’m thinking that doesn’t count). But got all the mileage in and (finally) had an over 30 mile week! Feeling strong and (almost) ready. Please, Lord, let it be cooler in 2 weeks when I’m in for 20 miles!!

Oh, and let’s just start sending good energy my way now for good weather on the day of the race. Perfection would be about 45 at the start with a high around 60 or so. Won’t be long now!

Happy running, Everybody!

2 thoughts on “Are you wondering if I got it done?

  1. So the weather this year at the Disneyland Half wasn’t perfect, by the time I finished it was 91 degrees, I’m sure you’ve read that I was dead last finisher, I’m posting a link to the video of my finish as a cautionary tale, Do NOT pass up the Gatorade or you might find yourself in this kind of shape….

    End of the story? No neuro damage, just a severe electrolyte imbalance, better within an hour of my lights and siren visit to the ER.

    Probably the most expensive race medal ever, but I made sure that I did get it before they shut the ambulance doors.

  2. Lynda – I am so glad that this story as a happy ending. You are officially the poster child for electrolyte replacement during a run! In fact, after watching your video, I went back and double checked that the chews I use do, indeed, have electrolytes as the powerade they have on most courses seems to upset my stomach. Very very scary!! And yes, I love that – “I went to the ER but at least I got my medal thrown to me in the ambulance.” True dedication, Lynda!!

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