Where we Are With Our Dumbo Double Dare Training Plan!!

Although I can hardly believe it, we are right now only six week away from the Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend and, for many of us, the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge!! Life has been so busy with summer and fun vacations and work that I keep forgetting how quickly it’s coming up but I really and truly CANNOT wait!

Just found this video on YouTube and although it’s long, it’s pretty awesome (especially if you’ve never done the DL Half before). And this guy is just adorable – I think we would be friends:).

I have to tell you that I am completely spoiled and was at Disneyland just this past weekend to celebrate my son’s 17th birthday. We had an amazing time and he won’t let me post pics of him on the blog but I will post this one of me because I think it’s FABULOUS.

This was my first time seeing the new Cars Land and I can’t wait to run through it – it’s so fun!! I’m also looking forward to our celebration meal at Carthay Circle as Jack and I ate there and it was incredible.

Gorgeous place and the food and service were amazing. I did warn them that in a few weeks our group of 10 would be descending on their somewhat quiet establishment so they may want to give us one of the private rooms;).

I did my 10 miler today and although it was QUITE humid (90% when I started and down to maybe 75% at the end, temps in the mid 70’s), I’m very happy with where I am for this part in my training. The speed work is definitely paying off and honestly, I feel so much stronger that even if it didn’t translate into a PR, I’m glad I’m putting in the extra effort. Oh, and if you want to know what I look like after a stinky, humid 10 miles, here you go (hide your kids)

I’m loving how my new Bondi Band looks somewhat like a Nun’s habit . . .good look, yes?;)

When Natalie (my coach) and I started down this journey, I had quite ambitiously hoped for 6 days a week of running, but between kid’s schedules, work and vacations (and my mom-in-law requiring surgery and a stay at rehab which we are THRILLED to be able to help her with but has taken a lot of time), I’ve been lucky to squeeze in four. Knowing me, though, if I only had four on the schedule, I’d only squeeze in 2. You really do make time for what’s important and I’ll keep hoping for those weeks where it all comes together just exactly like I want it too (just heard a bunch of you say good luck with that. I know, right?)

Since I’ve been running back to back days for awhile now I’m not doing any specific training for Dumbo Double Dare (10K on Sat. and then the half on Sunday) but I’m feeling really good about how my body will hold up. I have a little ritual where at the end of every run I unplug my headphones and say a quick prayer of gratitude. When the run has gone well it’s easy but when it’s been a stinker it can be tough. But I find I can always thank God for a body that works, for a safe neighborhood to run in, and for the blessing of having an amazing family and so many friends that I never would have met without running. I hope all of you have great long runs this weekend and that you have much to be grateful for!!

Happy Running!!


3 thoughts on “Where we Are With Our Dumbo Double Dare Training Plan!!

  1. Okay that guy would probably be my best friend in real life. And that reminder to be full of gratitude at the end of a workout is a great idea! 🙂

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