What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?

As a runner, and maybe in your life . . . What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Sign up for your first race?

Sign up for a marathon?

Join a local running group?

Or maybe (and I sincerely hope some of you reading this can relate to this), GO FOR YOUR FIRST RUN EVER?

I am amazed every day when I talk to people at work or in my neighborhood who say “I love your blog but I could never be a runner.” Huh? Why not? You may not want to be a runner, but that’s not the same thing. And while we’re at it, don’t ever say to me “I could never run a marathon.” Because that’s ridiculous. Of course you CAN run a marathon. You choose not to . . not the same thing. And if you’re not doing it because you think you CAN’T . . then we need to have coffee because that’s just plain old fashioned NOT true.

Even if you’ve never even run to your mailbox.

Even if you’re 100 pounds overweight.

Even if you have MS.

Even if you have a child with severe special needs that requires almost constant care.

Even if you’re over 50.

Even if you’re depressed.

How do I know? Because all those things I listed above? Yeah, I have running friends who have been through all of that and more. Not pretend people that I read about in a book, real people that I know and love. They’ve pushed past the limits of what the world told them they could and should do, and instead decided to run. Almost yelling behind them as they did it “Yeah, thanks for that, I’ll consider all your reasons why I shouldn’t while I’m running.”

There will always be naysayers who say you can’t. But God says you can. My favorite verse in the bible is 2 Timonthy 1:7:

“God has not give you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and a sound mind.”

No fear. Power. Sound mind. Some translations say “self-discipline” instead of a sound mind and I think I like that even better.

Yeah, do that.

Maybe the thing you would do if you weren’t afraid is go back to school or forgive someone or love someone unconditionally expecting nothing in return. I don’t know your life but I know that you’re human. And I’m sure there is something you want to do and that you are feeling God calling you to do that you are holding back from because you are afraid. So stop it. (refer to earlier Bob Newhart video for instructions). Maybe print out the verse above and tape it to your bathroom mirror like I did.

But caution. Living without fear is a game changer and, dare I say it, a world changer. So proceed with caution. Because before you know it you might just have the life you always dreamed you could have.

Oh, and Happy Running!


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