So, in one of my favorite movies “What About Bob?”, Bill Murray plays Bob who pretends he has every major mental illness so that he won’t ever get them. So this post is all about the things I am going to assume are going to happen, and using What About Bob logic, this will ensure that they won’t. So here you go. The things that are going to happen to me on marathon Sunday.
1. I will have GI issue
2. I will have chaffing issues
3. Wardrobe Malfunction
4. They will run out of water
5. I will be swept
6. It will snow (and/or hail, rain, toronado activity, hurricane winds)
7. It will be burning hot
8. I will get dehydrated
9. I will get that other thing that’s the opposite of dehydrated that you can die from the name of which I never remember
10. I will cramp up
11. I will be SLOWER than my last marathon
12. I will be swept because of number 11 and won’t get my medal
13. I will get lost
14. I will be unable to find my friends after the race
15. My cell phone will die
16. I will be without my friends or a working cell phone in Chicago and see number 13
17. I will get a blister
18. I will get three blisters. (2 just seemed silly)
19. The hotel will have no record of our reservation (despite emailing me just this week) and we will have nowhere to stay
20. My flight will be delayed, I will miss the Expo, be unable to get my bib and unable to run the race
21. I will get to the Expo and they will have no record of me (despite same as number 19)
22. I will pass out half way through the race and get hauled off by medics
OK, I think that covers most of my irrational fears. And to show the full extent of my mania, it took me all of 34 seconds to type this list. I may add more later. Ain’t this fun?!?!?!
You will be great, relax and enjoy the experience