I’m linking up with my friend, Tara, from Running and Reading this morning for the VERY FIRST TIME! Tara and I have been twitter friends for awhile now, and I’m so glad to have found this great link-up! Check it out for some great posts from some great, fun runners!
My running this weekend was . . .non-existent. A few days ago I was doing some work at home and sort of tweaked my back. I didn’t think much of it and honestly, it didn’t hurt.
UNTIL I went out for my 12 miler Saturday morning. I headed out the door feeling good and ready to spend a couple hours out there in preparation for the Irving Half Marathon, podcasts lined up, attitude ready and my left hip just WOULD NOT cooperate. I went about a quarter of a mile and noticed it was really affecting my form (and it was painful!) so I made the decision to call it and head home. I don’t think I’ve ever done that, but with only 3 weeks until race day, I think I made the right call. I haven’t run since then and have been stretching, foam rolling and using Advil. Heading out here in a bit for a very easy 3 miler and hoping things have improved. Crazy how it wasn’t hurting at all until I started to run.
So, of course, I had all this extra energy and I was a little frustrated. I don’t know about you, but when I have pent up frustration and anger I . . . ORGANIZE STUFF!!
I had truly only planned on tackling one cabinet in our laundry room, I promise, but one thing led to the next and we ended up here. I so wish I had taken a pic of the “during” because it was truly monstrous.
We had these cabinets installed over 3 years ago after we’d had a plumbing leak that caused a lot of damage. If you’ve ever lived through any kind of home remodel you know how stressful it is! When the workmen were finally done, I basically just threw everything in those cabinets and told myself I would take the time to truly organize them “soon”. Well, 3 years is sort of soon, right??
So glad to finally have that done! Not happy that I found the time because of a missed long run, but hey, silver lining, right??
I also finally broke down and ordered new shoes. I’ve needed to do this for awhile and I was hoping that they would be on sale somewhere, but no luck in my size, so full price it was. I have loved running in my Merrell Dash Gloves the last few years. Truly hoping these are as good as the others have been!They should be here Wednesday. YAY!
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These literally represent thousands of miles. Merrell’s have been very good to me! |
Oh, and we went to the movies after my long morning of organizing, and I FINALLY saw McFarland USA! Scott and I both LOVED it. We used to live in Fresno and loved seeing so many familiar places in central California. Great story, great acting – 2 thumbs WAY UP!! Non-runners will love it and runners will ADORE it. Crazy motivating!!
Then we came home and watched The Judge here at home with the boys. I liked it, too. There were a couple of plot line points that seemed a bit contrived, but it’s a sweet movie with a realistic message about how we love unconditionally in the face of family dysfunction.
Taking it easy on my mileage for the rest of the week to let this back/hip thing heal completely! I hope your weekend was amazing and that your Monday is off to a fabulous start!!
Happy running!
I definitely think you made the right call since race day is coming up so quickly. I feel like if you’re adequately trained (even if you’ve only been running up to 8-9 miles), you’ll be a-okay on race day as long as you continue to listen to your body, which it sounds like you’re already doing! Otherwise, glad you had a productive weekend – that’s always the best when that happens!
Thanks, Gloria!! I did 11 last weekend and it actually went really well so I’m feeling confident in finishing but maybe NOT in my goal pace. Time will tell! Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!!
First of all, thanks so much for linking up with the blog today; I’m so delighted that you joined in! After that, well, I’m just feeling frustrated as I hear you talk about your hip issue; I can relate. I’m glad you decided to head home, rather than cause more trouble (like I probably would have done); hopefully, you’ll have time to get this under control before the race. I love that you organized instead! I love organizing! Those cabinets are fantastic and it looks like you did a great job of getting everything stacked away; so much space in there! Kudos for making the best out of a tough situation and having a great weekend. Hope your week is off to a great start, and thanks again!
Thanks so much, Tara! Just got home from an easy 3 miler and although I could definitely feel it, it didn’t affect form and it wasn’t nearly as bad as on Saturday, so hopefully this is just a trigger point. I can actually feel a big one on my lower left back so plan on getting after that with my foam roller this evening. Hoping it will heal with active recovery! Thanks for the kind words!!
Wow- I was right there with you this weekend. I woke up Saturday morning and my back was all out of whack. We had a fun 5K in the morning which went ok but I spent sunday foam rolling and soaking in Epsom salts and stretching. I am thankful to report that all helped tremendously and am hopeful whatever it was has passed because I have a half this weekend. Eek! Good luck in your rest and recovery! Do you ever use epsom salts? I strongly recommend them if you don’t. You are definitely doing the best thing though- listening to your body 🙂
Dacia – I do the Epsom salts but haven’t in awhile. Good call!! I will do that tonight. Thanks for reading!!
I hope your hip issue heals up soon! I understand your madness when it comes to organizing. When I start I just can’t stop!
I went out for a fairly decent 3 today so I think it’s going to heal quickly. Thank you so much!! And yes, it’s potato chips – now that the laundry room is done I want to tackle the hall closet next! i’m crazy!
I hope your hip is better soon. My right one started aching today just out of the blue. I just love this aging process. I’m very impressed with your laundry room. Mine is not very big and I spend way too much time in there!
The house is older and honestly it was the laundry room that sold it! Prior to that we’d always had little laundry closets so when I saw an ACTUAL ROOM I squealed! It’s a huge blessing because with 3 teenage boys, yeah, I’m in there ALOT. Sorry about your knee! Hope it’s nothing serious!