Things NOT to pack for your marathon

Lots of marathon packing lists out there. As in at least 1000 so I’ll not add to the google search madness. I will, however, tell you the things I WON’T be taking with me this weekend when I leave for the WDW Marathon:

Self Doubt and Insecurity

Yes, you can both stay home, thank you very much. I won’t be concerned with “if” I’m a real runner, if I’m fast enough, if I’m thin enough, if I’m cool enough. I am a real runner and so are you. If you’ve survived the training and are heading to this race, you are not only a real runner, you’re a miracle. Stand tall and if somebody seems like they’re too cool for school it’s most likely THEIR insecurity playing out. You might want to see if you can do anything for them.


My friend Suzanne told me before Chicago “don’t think. Just run.” Truer words were never spoken. You’ve done all the thinking. You’ve done all your training. Relax and have fun and just be in the moment you’re in.


I won’t finish. I’ll finish last. I’ll fall. I’ll look stupid. I’ll be one of those runners who poops their pants. Yup, we’ve all thought it. But we’re leaving fear at home, Kids. Because, as Wil Smith says in a recent trailer for a movie I can’t remember the name of “fear is a choice. Danger is real. But fear is a choice.” Not sure what real danger exists out there (well maybe dehydration) so please be smart, but no fear. We are bold. We are fearless. We are marathoners.

A Bikini

Because even though I’m a runner (and a darned good one if I do say so myself, even if it will take me over 5 hours to run 26.2 miles) I don’t wear bikinis. Not even in Florida. So I won’t be taking one. Did I mention I’ve had 3 children including a c-section with twins? NOBODY wants to see that.

So I will pack my bag with Body Glide, extra safety pins, my tried and true running outfit (which happens to look an awful lot like a Minnie Mouse costume) and my best attitude. Because I am ready. I am strong. And it’s going to be a blast.

See you at the starting line!!


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