The Running Blogger Who’s Not Really Running

I have to admit, lately I feel like a total fraud.

Not in the bilked millions from poor innocent people way but in the way where one claims to live a life that they’re not really living and lately . . . I’m not REALLY running. I am the running blogger who’s not really running.

After the fall. Regaining my inner Mrs Incredible and moving forward.
After the fall. Regaining my inner Mrs Incredible and moving forward.

I’m sorta kinda running – a few miles here and there when the mood strikes and my schedule permits. But there is zero consistency and although it’s taken several weeks, yesterday’s run reminded me that, at 45, if I want to keep running I’m going to have to . . .KEEP RUNNING.

I think I’ve taken my body a tad bit for granted. I’ve had dozens of periods during my 6 year running life where I’ve taken a few weeks off here and there. Weather, a nagging pain that needed rest, family life crazies . . I never felt particularly guilty and I was always able to bounce back pretty quickly.

And then yesterday I headed out and not only was it very hard but I felt, for the first time, uncoordinated and odd. Like my body had forgotten the movement and how to get my legs and my arms moving forward. And when I fell, it was a hard fall. The kind of tumble where you first make sure nothing’s broken and then you realize your pride DEFINITELY is.

Once again, I’m going to have to take a few steps back in order to move forward. I’ll rest today and tomorrow I’ll try again but slower and a shorter distance (which is ridiculous because I only went two miles yesterday!).

And I know my body will respond. It may just be more slowly than I’d like. But patience is something I’m actually getting better at as I get older. And I like that about me. Because running isn’t going anywhere and it will wait for me.

So if you’re coming back from a slight hiatus or you’re like me and you’ve just been half-assing it lately, let’s re-commit. To the thing that we love that keeps us sane. Because although I can fall and get back up again, I definitely prefer NOT to fall in the first place:).

Happy Running.



4 thoughts on “The Running Blogger Who’s Not Really Running

  1. Yikes! Sorry to hear about your fall but I’m glad you weren’t injured. Falling sure messes with your head. I got tripped up by a dog about a month ago and now every time i hear dog tags rattle I get freaked out. Getting back into a running groove has been hard. Even though I ran Dumbo a couple of weeks ago, running in my neighborhood without any of that Disney magic has been difficult. Hopefully cooler weather is on its way and we’ll both be able to enjoy our runs again.

  2. im sorry you fell! You have to give yourself some credit though, you have got a LOT going on, more than any other time! It’s great that you even made it out the door. Clutzy runs happen and I’m sure it will get better. All the hugs and booboo pats! Lol xo

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