The Moment of Truth is upon Us! WDW Marathon Weekend 2014 – how far will YOU go??

So, rumor has it (STRONG rumor) that registration for the 2014 WDW Marathon Weekend will open TOMORROW for Disney Vacation Club members and Annual Pass holders and I think the 6th for everybody else. Scott and I have made our decisions but we didn’t come upon them lightly. These races are EXPENSIVE so it’s not like your local dog and pony show that you can sign up for and then bail on if you wake up and it’s cold and raining (not that I’ve ever done that, mind you . . . wait, I can’t lie, I’ve totally done that).

So how are you supposed to know if you’ll be ready to run a half, a full, the Goofy (the half AND the full) or, for you TRULY crazy people, the Dopey (5K, 10K, half and full in one weekend) when it’s months and months away? Maybe some of you haven’t even run your first half yet (you know who you are) and you’re considering the whole Dopey enchilada. Or El Dopey as I will call it. (get it?)

Well, bottom line? You can’t possibly know. And even those of us with lots of races under our belts have no idea what kind of shape we’ll be in come January. But that’s the way of the big races these days, Kids. Sadly for me, I never ran big races before “these days” but I hear tell of a time when you could decide to run say, The Chicago Marathon, mere weeks before the event. No more, Folks. Now you better know for sure that you’re going to hold up mechanically and be non-injured and ready to go. Because you’re making a MAJOR INVESTMENT. Oh, and you better already know that you can get the time off or be willing to quit your job! Which is most likely not a good idea because did you check the prices? That’s a lot of lettuce! And for those of you running El Dopey, it’s a car payment! (calling money lettuce makes me feel like a gangster from a 1930’s movie).

Having said all that, will I be signing up tomorrow? YOU BETCHA! Because I love it. I love the energy, I love all the first timers, I love the conversations with total strangers who are so happy to share how running has changed their lives. I like my friends, I like Disney, I like running. I like my husband. So here we go again. And because I just can’t watch this video enough, here’s a little video motivation if you’re on the fence. See you there!! (in like almost a year)

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