How To Survive a Trump Presidency

The last few week have been hard on most of us. Evidently there are a few people who it’s not been hard on, but they most likely aren’t reading this post so I’m going to proceed as though the outcome of this election has been hard on you.

As a friend just messaged me, she is working her way through the stages of grief. I am, too, but I’m pretty much healed from the shock and am ready to settle into the new normal of what does this look like? What does it mean? And what’s a girl to do?

I’ve developed some rules to help me cope. See what you think.

Limit your exposure.  I am NOT saying don’t stay informed. But there’s so much to process that if you check your phone every hour for more ridiculous, you’re sure to find it. I think that’s an Abraham Lincoln quote. For me? Trying to limit to twice a day.

Keep your sense of humor. If we stop laughing we are doomed. Many, many people have been through hard times in history. You wouldn’t believe how many people. And they all got through it. You know how? Well, voting and participating in the process and protesting, yes, but also by keeping their chin up and not letting the discouragement move them to inaction. Our attitude must be one of HOPE and POSSIBILITY and HUMOR.

The dejected become the ineffective.

Get involved. I don’t know what this looks like for you. For me, it means hosting an upcoming political action meeting in my community, reading news that is unbiased, skipping hysterics, and staying focused on controlling what I can control.

Look at the Long Game. It’s really only 2 years before we have some pretty serious elections and this is NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Well, unless he gets us in a nuclear war and then it might be, but most likely this is NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.

LOVE WELL. Maybe better then you ever have. Be kinder, gentler, more giving, and have more generosity of spirit then you thought possible. Find your source for all of this (that would be Jesus for me) and dig deep into that well. Because this is not something you can do on your own.

Sing. Celebrate. Have joy. Be happy. Because these are things that make you more productive, more aware, more loving and more able to do whatever part you’re being called to play.

Is it a little murky in American right now? Yup. But are we still who we were the day BEFORE the election, when the majority of us voted for something different? Yes. And we WILL get through this, together.


Hang in there.

2 thoughts on “How To Survive a Trump Presidency

  1. Thank you for this. <3 When I walked into work the day after the election, everyone was in terrible spirits, but I think we've all kinda dusted ourselves off and are just doing what we can + hoping for the best. The media is making it pretty hard to limit exposure, but I do feel that that (within reason) is necessary for our sanity, haha.

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