Running Gear YOU Can’t Live Without

So over on the FB page, I asked the amazing running peeps who are on there what are their “must have” items? Those that responded range from those who are getting ready for their first 5K to members of the illustrious (although somewhat lacking in sanity;) Marathon Maniacs and it’s sister group, the Half Fanatics. They range in age, fitness level, and experience but they are ALL athletes. I loved what they had to say!
My sweet friend Brandy, said this:
 “Compression pants, pre, during and post run nourishment (I picked up some dark chocolate almond milk this morning for my post workout today!)…and not that I have the ability to currently run, but because I can elliptical like a maniac.”
(OK, I have to agree with her about the dark chocolate almond milk. It is YUMMO! Just had some this morning after my 10 miler, in fact) 

Cheryl, my brave friend who’s at home recovering from surgery, had this to say (and I disagree, she is definitely NOT a geek although I am starting to wonder about her neighborhood;)
“I’m a geek….I never leave home for a run without my road id….and mace but most don’t need that. “
(this is a really, really good idea.) 

My sweet friend, Sara, whom I ran much of last year’s marathon with said this:
“Can’t run without my Garmin or hydration belt or backpack.”
(ya know, I saw more people than ever using Camelback’s during this years marathon. I could see it being a great asset during training in the summer but I think it would drive me crazy! Doesn’t it slosh around?)
OK, it’s Suzanne’s turn. She is one of those maniac people referenced above and she’s even MORE amazing because she didn’t start running until she was almost 50! She clearly gets the award for “Most Considerate of Others”:
“I always pack a pepto bismol pill. And even though I have never used it, I have given it to two different runners over the trash cans after a race. And they surely appreciated it. Oh. And an Imodium pill. I have used that. A small pack of bio freeze. And a half of a k tape. I have used or given those to runners in their final 6 miles of a marathon.” (see what I mean? She’s good people.)
Heather, whom I will refer to affectionately as Girl Who Like To Run in Cold Weather, said this (and btw, the first time I read it, I read Snickers. Which actually seems like a good idea as well)
“Sneakers, a good bra, some moisture wicking socks and glide! And Secret Clinical Strength Antiperspirant & Deodorant & Tide Sport Liquid Laundry detergent so your running clothes stay fresh!!” (I’ve never bought special detergent for my running gear but this seems like a good idea and by Glide she means Body Glide. I believe I have spoken enough about this miracle product that you know what it is by now, right?)
Andy, who gets the award for Guy Who Posts Most on my FB page (and don’t you dare stop, Andy, we need the male presence!) and also a recent runner of the WDW Half Marathon said this:
“Camelback for long runs with no water fountains along the way, Road ID for sure, E-Gel for fuel and electrolytes, iPhone for pacing info” (yup, another Road ID shout out – it’s a big deal)
Julie gets the prize for “Most Practical”. I should have thought of this one because it’s genius.
“Toilet paper” (my very first half this was recommended to me and I’ve taken it on every race since. Why? Because the porta-potties of the world are not famous for having enough to go around)
Great suggestions, Everybody!! I also love that none of the ideas were terribly expensive (well, the Garmin can get pricey) and they are all easily purchased at any local sporting goods store. Today’s 10 miles was good – I felt really strong. I’ve made a conscious decision not to post my finish times or my run times here because no good comes of that. Either you feel smug because you’re faster than me (NOT cool, Running People) or you feel defeated because you’re not as fast as I am (equally NOT COOL). So I will just leave you in suspense and if you see me at the grocery store and ask me my time? I will say “I ran just as fast as my legs and attitude would carry me!” Unless I PR’d in which case I’ll tell you that. But I’m still not telling you my time. What do you think of them apples? Have a great week of running, Everybody, and Princess participants, most of you should either be tapering or getting ready for you last long run next weekend. Stay strong and healthy and stay focused on the prize! Here’s a little inspirational video for ya:

And yes, I cried when I watched it. I know. It’s truly pathetic.;)

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