Runner’s Reading List – Books That Have Informed and Inspired my Running!

I have always been a voracious reader. When I was a kid, the library was my favorite place on earth and I would literally troll the rows of books looking for things that interested me. It’s one of the reasons I love the internet – I can learn about pretty much anything with just a simple search and can spend hours learning and discovering.

But I still love a good book. The internet, with all it’s wonders, can be a huge distraction and sitting down with a book provides a singular focus that I seem to be craving these days. With 3 teenagers, a busy job, a traveling husband and 2 huge dogs I can’t imagine why this would be true;).

I’ve mentioned many of these before, but if you’re looking for a good read or two to inform and inspire your running, or for a good read on the plane headed to your next destination race, here are my favs:

For Inspiration!

Marathon Woman by Katherine Switzer – this one is a must read for all runners, in my opinion, but especially for women. You gotta know where you came from, Ladies, and there were some amazing women that forged the way for us and made women’s running the sport it is today. Part memoir, part historical record, part leadership guide, Katherine tells great stories and you will be glad you read it.

Running & Being by Dr. George Sheehan – this book was recently re-released and I think George Sheehan does for running what C.S. Lewis did for theology. No joke. And honestly even non-runners will find his words insightful and inspiring. The fact that he didn’t start running with intention until he was middle aged and in the midst of a regular life and career (much like yours truly) makes this one of my favorite books of all time, not just my favorite running book.

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall- I was a runner when I first read this one, but I wasn’t in love with running. This book sealed the deal. Not only did it lead me to minimalist running (that I’ve continued injury free for almost five years) but it opened my eyes to a whole new world of characters that McDougall introduces with amazing clarity and imagination. And they’re all REAL. Great, great read.

If You’re Just Getting Started:

Running for Mortals by John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield: Very practical, VERY encouraging, and this one lives where we do. It’s the best book for new runners who feel like they don’t know what they’re doing and they don’t know how to fit it into their lives. Funny and practical with great quotes from Bingham that start every chapter. Love this one.

The Little Red Book of Running by Scott Douglas: I like this one for reference. Lots of short paragraphs on literally every topic running related. Great “go to” if you only have a few minutes and need some good advice or encouragement. Like, ya know, when you can’t drag yourself out of your house to get out for your run. (not that it ever happens to me, mind you;)

If You’re Training for A Big Race!!

The NonRunner’s Marathon Guide for Women by Dawn Dais- HILARIOUS. Truly. As in you will laugh out loud multiple times. Dawn Dais takes us on her journey with her as she trains for her first (and maybe last!) marathon for charity. She’s sarcastic and real and I’m pretty sure we would be best friends if we ever met. If you’re even considering your first marathon, pick this one up.

Mental Training for Runners by Jeff Galloway: I just read this one and continue to go back to it. The drills are good and he gives tons of very practical advice. And I just really like him so reading it is like hanging out with him at an expo:).

I feel so strongly that a book or two will help you on your journey, that I’m giving some away! Head over and like the Facebook Page by October 20th to be entered to win a copy of either Marathon Woman Nonrunner’s Marathon Guide for Women or Running and Being.

I hope your training is going great and that you’re feeling inspired today!! Maybe you just ran Chicago or maybe you just ran your first mile – either way, I’m glad you’re here and you belong. And you are a runner. And a HUGE shout-out to Monica who just completed her first half! You are a ROCK STAR, Girl!! Glad this blog introduced us to one another:).

Do you have any must read running books that you would add to this list? Post them in the comments below!! And Happy Running!


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