Quick Update on #5KaDayinMay

Are you still with me?? There were a mighty few of us and some of you I’ve heard from. If you started with great intentions and you’ve not been able to participate like you wanted, consider this your PLEASE COME BACK AND FINISH WITH US invitation. Remember, there’s no beating yourself up. Just start today and get back on it!

I have been alternating running and walking days all week and it’s really helped with my energy and my knees. I also just ordered new shoes because I think that’s contributing as well (I kind of always forget that part). Also, last year when I did this, my pre-challenge mileage was much higher. Shockingly, my body didn’t react too well to going from 15 mile weeks (at the most!) to 35K plus. Stupid of me to think that was a good idea, actually. The challenge is a good idea – running all 7 days to start with maybe not. Next week, however, I’m hoping to do more running days than walking days and I’m excited about that.

We are on day 17 (CRAZY!!) and I can honestly say yesterday was my strongest yet. I’ve been reading Train Like a Mother again and am getting weirdly excited to start my marathon training in September (I will be running the Walt Disney World marathon in January). My goal by the end of the summer is to be able to go 10 miles without really giving it too much thought, so this month is a great warm up!! Still haven’t decided between the Finish It plan, which has only one 20 mile run, and the OWN IT plan which has 3 (gulp). I really would love to PR this one as I really do plan on it being my last, so in my heart I want to do the own it but not sure my mind and schedule can handle it.

If you haven’t entered the Big Blog Birthday Giveaway yet please do!! It’s such a fun prize and I want everyone to be able to have a chance to win. Here’s the details on that: Big Blog Birthday Giveaway.

Hoping that today finds you running and enjoying your friends and family!!

Happy Running.


2 thoughts on “Quick Update on #5KaDayinMay

  1. 35 miles a week? Do you mean 35K/week? That’s “only” 21.7 miles/week, or 22.4 if you’re running 3.2 mile 5 Ks. :-). Still not easy!

    1. LOL! Yes, obviously that’s what I meant. Still breaking the no more than 10% of mileage per week increase rule and my knees were all too happy to remind me of said rule! I edited it above. Thank you for catching that! I am a terrible proof reader, despite my best efforts.

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