Princess Packing Panic

Here we are, Wednesday evening, and I really should be doing something other than blogging but I couldn’t help share my pre-princess panic with all of you!! As you may or may not have gleaned from previous posts, my life is wonderful, full and TOTAL CHAOS. This week has been no different and as I type the laundry room has been completely demolished (literally) and the contents of said laundry room (picture rolls of wrapping paper, carpet cleaner, socks, etc) are all over my kitchen and dining room. It’s a grand time.

So today I had a few minutes while I was waiting for the construction crew to get here and I thought I’d start packing! Because come heck or high water (but please no high water) at 6am on Friday I am boarding a plane for Orlando to spend 3 days with 25,999 of my favorite people. That is, women who run the WDW Princess Half Marathon! There will be sisters, grandmothers, best friends, college roommates. There will be LOTS of tiaras, LOTS of running shoes, LOTS of blinged out running gear being sold in a very pink Expo (I promise pictures of that – you truly have to see it to believe it).

So here’s what I’ve gathered so far:

Running Skirt
Flip Flops
Bathing Suit
Body Glide

So I should be set, right? Maybe not. The FB posts are starting to roll in from my Princess friends already there (lucky sons of guns) while I languish trying to pick paint colors (which must be done by the end of the day tomorrow) and deal with moody teenage boys. But I will persevere – (if you happen to have Gabrielle’s Oboe from the Mission on your itunes playlist it would make for a good soundtrack to read this by). I know that there is a seat (22D in fact) With my name on it. I will get on that plane. I will sit in that seat. And it will take me to the Land of the Princesses where there are no teenage boys, no construction workers and all the paint color are already chosen.

My only job there is to spend time with my wonderful friends, eat food, drink wine (well, Friday night no wine the night before the race) and prance around in my tiara. I can pose for a pic in front of my castle(in my tiara) and then go for an awesome long run serenaded by trumpet players, drumlines and marching bands. I can then be sprinkled with Pixie Dust by a fairy godmother, receive a gorgeous sparkly medal and be on my way.

I will have to return to my real life on Sunday but I will squeeze every bit of fun out of my trip because, after all, it will be a whole year before my pumpkin turns into a coach (seat) again. Farewell. And I’ll see you after the ball.


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