Of Cabbages and Kings and Bib Numbers! Dumbo Double Dare Waivers are UP!

There’s a moment right before every Run Disney event where I get REALLY pumped. It’s that moment when we know we are finally getting close, it’s really happening and (for some of us) it’s a reminder to get our backsides in gear and get those miles in!! (and I hope you all got my gentle homage to Alice in Wonderland in the title)

So when my running friends on FB started posting about it, I was, of course, all too happy to look up my number (you can look yours up here if you haven’t already). I am 22091 for Dumbo and the general consensus seems to be that the Dumbo numbers start in the 20,000. So if there are 5000 runners for Dumbo Double Dare, that puts me just shy of half way up in the pack which is exactly where I SHOULD be so that’s perfect. Proof of time is a big deal for Disney races as the pathways are very narrow at times, and the further up you are, the less people you’re trying to weave your way through. Although I will say the couple of times I’ve started in A (for the Princess both times) I have started out way too fast so I actually prefer being a little further back. Also, as my husband says, the real party is in the back. He loves it in the far reaching corals so much that I honestly don’t think he’d move up even if he could. (this is the same guy who rode a roller coaster DURING last years WDW full marathon so clearly he takes the “moveable party” attitude towards distance running.)

But more importantly than the bib number itself, I am getting excited for all the fun that weekend is going to bring and the amazing energy of having so many awesome, Disney loving runners all in one place! I’m looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and meeting many new ones and I can’t wait to stay at the Disneyland Hotel and to run a 10K on one day and a half the next! (OK, maybe I’m not QUITE as excited about that part.)

 As you know if you’ve ever done a race, runners are all FOR each other. It doesn’t matter your speed, how long you’ve been running, your size or your age. If you’re there, you’re IN. And that “we’re all in this together” mentality (thank you, High School Musical) is my favorite part!

This year I’m hoping to make more time for the Expo and am going to a couple of meet-ups (particularly looking forward to the Mickey Miles Podcast meet-up with Mike and Michelle since they have been my running “partners” on many long runs this time;). So if you’re going, I’ll see you there! And if you’re dreaming of doing it someday, be looking for lots of updates and pics. It won’t be long now!

Happy Running!


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