Looking Back on The Miles We Ran in 2012! A Tribute To My Running Friends!

I’m spending some significant time today reflecting on the past year. It’s been all over the map spiritually, emotionally and financially, for that matter. God has taken me on some unexpected journeys that I would love to have skipped, but that have changed me and grown me up so I am grateful. But since this blog isn’t about any of that . . . .

Here’s a toast to the miles we ran in 2012! Many of my friends ran a ridiculous number of miles in 2012. As in they stayed fully trained to do a marathon on any given weekend for a full 52 weeks. You know who you are (Suzanne) and I don’t know if I should admire you or have you check your medication with your medical provider, but it’s impressive and I’m proud of you. Even more so when you consider that Suzanne didn’t start running until she was 49.

My friend, Selma, ran her first marathon. And her second marathon. And in 2 weeks will run her third marathon (oh, and she’s over 40, too). And I clearly remember her telling me she would never be able to do it. It would be amazing all by itself even without the fact that she’s a busy mom of four who works as an accountant and runs every morning with her husband, Alan, at 4:30am. That’s a level of commitment that blows me away. Well done, Selma.

Then there’s my friend, Meredith – wife, mom, half marathoner – who just happens to have MS. She faces physical battles unlike any I’ve ever experienced, yet she keeps getting out there and doesn’t let her limitations define her fitness. I am in awe. And my friend Beth, who ran and ran this year even though she’s a busy mom of 4 one of whom has special needs that require a level of hard work and patience that I can’t imagine. No excuses there – makes me feel a little silly when I say I don’t have time or I’m not feeling up to it. Thanks for being amazing.

And speaking of amazing weight loss, what do we think of my friend Joy – who has lost over 100 pounds and has gone from needing a scooter to get around comfortably to running her first 10K and soon her first half marathon? Or my friend Kara who’s lost 200 pounds and ran the Princess half marathon with me last year? These women are my heroes. They’ve faced so much and overcome so graciously and with style – thanks, Ladies, for setting such a great example. Oh, and did I mention that they’re both working moms to boot?

Or how about my very own husband, Scott. Who this year lost 80 pounds (100 pound total weight loss from his heaviest) and has found time to workout at least once a day (many days twice) while being an airline pilot, amazing husband, and awesome dad. Watching his transformation has humbled me and made me even more amazed that 23 years ago he chose me to be his bride. You’re amazing, Dude. Seriously. Shall we run a marathon in 2 weeks to celebrate?

Unbelievably, these are not made up characters that I invented to make a good blog post. Nope – they are real people. They are my friends and I hope they inspire others as they have inspired me. I am blessed to call you my friends and I look forward to many more wonderful stories to share in 2013!

Happy Running!!!!!!


3 thoughts on “Looking Back on The Miles We Ran in 2012! A Tribute To My Running Friends!

  1. I agree Jen, each of these are wonderful people that are in my list of inspirations too. They help me along while I face the challenge of my first marathon, they have been there, along with others, throughout this process. Time to put my big girl panties on: in two weeks I run a marathon.

  2. I am honored to be mentioned and even more honored to know you! I also know all the people you’ve mentioned and every single one of them, yourself included, inspire me on a daily basis! Oh, and for the record, I’m 48 🙂

  3. Yes, Joy, I was playing it safe with “over 40”;). And Katrina I can’t wait to see you afterwards sporting your new bling and knowing that you can officially call yourself a marathoner! It’s going to be a great weekend!

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