What To Do When You Have Kids and Your Spouse Works on Christmas

Christmas – that wonderful holiday where everyone is off work, and the world is still, and families all gather together around the tree.

Well, MOST families.

Except for those of us, the probably 100’s of thousands of us, who’s spouses work in a field where Christmas can easily be a work day.

Me and the pilot celebrating Christmas!

Maybe one of you is a fire fighter, an Ob/Gyn, a nurse, a police officer –  or you’re like us and one or both of you works in aviation. (here’s the post I did about 5 things you may not know about being married to a pilot)

Those shows, and many others, must go on 24/7 which means Christmas can be a challenge.


We’ve been fortunate that most years, Scott has been off on Christmas, but this year when we got that schedule? BAM – he’ll be on a trip that starts on the evening of 12/23 and doesn’t get home until 12/27.

So here are my tips, especially for those of you with kids, to make this less of a bad thing and more of an opportunity for new, great family memories!


Santa, as we know, comes to your house when your family is all home together. Our kids actually felt that Santa loved them MORE because he was always willing to make that extra special trip just to our house. Btw, Santa does love them more.

two christmases!

So yes, our family Christmas day may be the 15th or 22nd or the 30th, but that doesn’t mean the actual Christmas day can’t be special, too! We developed “Junk Food Christmas” which has worked out quite well. You see, especially when the kids were small, I was a stickler for healthy food. But on Junk Food Christmas anything goes! I take requests weeks in advance (and yes, they’ve already started their lists for this year). So if you want Pop Tarts and Cheetos and potato chips with onion dip followed by a cupcake chaser for BREAKFAST, you got it. If you choose this as your way to make that second Christmas special, just be sure you also have plenty of pepto on hand;). We spend the entire day in our pajamas playing games, eating food that’s great tasting and horrible for us and binge watching Christmas movies. It’s actually quite awesome (and yes, I always go for a nice long run afterwards;).

Take The Show On The Road!

Flying space available is actually pretty easy on Christmas day, so maybe, if you’re an airline family, you could consider joining your pilot on the road! I don’t recommend this if your kids are really small or if you have more than 3 as the stress might put you under, but otherwise, why not? Christmas together in a hotel room with room service can be an exciting change to your regular tradition, and I promise, it’s one you’ll always remember!

persPECtive and attitude

We’re not alone in our odd Christmas traditions and indeed are in fabulous company. And when I think of my friends in the military, many of whom won’t be home at all over the holidays, I’m reminded of how blessed we truly are! Your kids will take their cues from you – and it’s all mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!

The first Christmas, after all, didn’t really happen on December 25th and if we are celebrating the true reason for the season, we can make Jesus’s birthday whatever day we want and celebrate in whatever way we see fit. Because our family, and your family,  deserves nothing but the best.

Merry Christmas – whatever day it may fall on at your house! And may we all be grateful that we have each other!

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