I’M BORED! How to Fight Monotony on Long Runs

When I trained for my first half marathon, I knew it would be hard. That it might hurt. That I would have to be mentally tough and disciplined and watch my diet and get more sleep.

But here’s what I didn’t know: sometimes, running is just plain BORING.

On many a long run, my legs will be fine, my breathing in check, my form perfection (OK, maybe not perfection. I have a secret fear that when I run I look like this)

But sometimes, everything in me will just want to make it stop because my brain is just DONE.

So I asked over on the FB page (which btw, have you liked that yet? Because you really should) and over on Twitter (are you following me yet? Yeah, you should do that, too, and then I can follow you back and that will be awesome!) and you all had some alarmingly similar strategies. It was wonderful to know that I’m not alone! So here we go:

What To Do When You’re Bored on A Long Run

  1. Whatever you’re doing, switch it to something else. Listening to music? Take out the head phones and listen to the world around you instead. Or, if you’ve been quiet up until then, pop in those earbuds and crank up the tunes, or a podcast or an audio book. Several of you mentioned that comedy podcasts really help the miles fly! Thanks to Haley and Sara for recommending Comedy Bang Bang! Going to try that on my 5 miler on Saturday.
  2. SING! More than one of you said this and I was so relieved to find out it wasn’t just me! I’ll either sing along to my playlist or “play” the notes or the drum line on my water bottle. Syncing my brain up rhythmically really seems to help.
  3. MATH. OK, this one was weird but since several of you said it I had to put it here. And yes, I’ve done it, too. You can calculate your splits, count mailboxes, count your breathing, count to 100 by 3’s. Anything to engage a different part of your brain.
  4. Use your imagination! I have planned elaborate parties, vacations, come up with new inventions and planned out the plot of the next great American novel, all to distract myself from the metronome of my own feet hitting the pavement. The more detailed you can get here the better!
  5. Lean into the boredom. Seriously, with our crazy fast paced lives, the information overload at every turn, and just so much LIFE all the time, how often do you get to be really bored? Like summer of 6th grade bored? Sometimes if I just lean into it and sort of let it wash over me I find myself very much at peace with the lack of stimulation a steady long run can bring.

So what am I missing, experienced long distance runners? What do you do to break it up and make the miles fly?

Hope whatever distance you’re tackling this week the miles are easy, the water is plentiful, and you feel God’s good favor as you use the body he so graciously provided for you.

Happy Running!!


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