I REALLY Don’t Want To Run Tomorrow

So this will be short and sweet (maybe). I have eight miles on the schedule for tomorrow morning and I REALLY don’t want to. I mean truly and seriously don’t want to. I need to identify the contributing factors so I can get over them so here goes:

  • Although when summer first began I loved getting up to run and not having to worry about getting kids to school (and the extra time that game me) having the entire family STILL SLEEPING not only when I leave for my run but WHEN I GET BACK is depressing. 
  • It’s hot. Which means my alarm will be going off at 5:00 am so I can get the majority of the miles in before the sun is too high in the sky. Grrrrrrrr . . . especially since Scott is on a trip and can’t stay up and supervise the teenagers who will no doubt want to stay up until at least 10:30 and they’re not quite at the age where I can just leave them alone and go to bed. I adore my boys but yeah, not yet on that.
  • Eight miles is a long way. If I didn’t need to schedule races so I can stay motivated, I would be very content with a base of only 6 or so miles as my longest run. After that I have to think about food, carrying water . . .blah blah blah. But then I would start whining about 6 miles the same way I’m whining right now about 8. I know me too well;).
  • I’m just plain old fashioned lazy. And it’s a holiday weekend.

So when I type it out like that, it’s a bunch of nothing, really. A bunch of whiny excuses that don’t add up to anything. I’m NOT hurt, I’m fit enough to get it done and I’m being a huge diaper baby about the whole thing. I also know that if I don’t run tomorrow, the world will still revolve, nobody will die and I will still be valued and loved. However I won’t be taking myself to the next level, achieving a goal, or getting closer to being the runner I know I can be.

Found this:

Yeah, that’s better. I like that. Tomorrow is going to be a great morning to run. Because every morning is. And God will give me the strength I need because he always does.

Happy Running!!


2 thoughts on “I REALLY Don’t Want To Run Tomorrow

  1. I love that video! The director of my training program sent it out to all the participants a few months ago… so inspiring!

    I’m the same way as you when it comes to the Texas sun… it’s just too dang hot! In fact, I went on a night run last night, starting at 10 PM. I was with a group for safety reasons and not having the sun beat down sure was nice! I knocked out 10 miles and while it was late late late by the time I crawled into bed, it was nice to have it done and an interesting change of pace from the early morning runs!

  2. I loved it, too! I search You Tube from time to time and mostly find a bunch of junk but that one’s a keeper! The run this morning turned out to be AMAZING. Seriously my best run in months and I’m so glad I forced myself to do it! Glad you found a way to make yours happen, too!!!!!

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