Hate The Treadmill? NOT ME! Why I Love My Treadmill

I originally wrote this about a week ago and then, HAPPY SURPRISE it works perfectly with today’s Tuesday’s On The Run Link Up! If you’re looking for some great treadmill tips, head over and check it out.

The poor treadmill. It gets a bad rap every time. It puts up with being called names (the DREADMILL comes to mind) and frequently is cursed on social media.

I am weird. I LOVE my treadmill. I’ve had one for years. Sadly, it’s in my bedroom because our house doesn’t have any extra rooms for it (you lucky basement/workout/spare room people!) but decorating aside, there are some clear advantages of that belt that goes to nowhere, and with many of you stuck with that as your only option due to ridiculous weather, I thought I’d take a minute to highlight the good things about the treadmill!!

You can watch a movie or tv show while you workout.

This is highly dangerous in road running. I wouldn’t try it. But on the treadmill, I can perch my iPad right there in front of me and watch whatever I want, uninterrupted.

You can listen to music as loud as you want.

When I run outside, I have a “one ear bud only” rule and even that isn’t turned up too loud so I don’t, ya know, get hit by a truck or something. But on the treadmill? I can put in both sides and crank it up like nobody’s business. Uptown Funk You Up indeed.

You can NAIL your pace for speed work.

My treadmill has a lovely graphic that shows me going around a track so speed work is so easy. And I can set the pace and I’m FORCED to nail it. When I’m on an actual track I can get lazy and slow down much easier. No need to look at my Garmin to be sure I’m on pace – it’s right there in front of me!

YOU control the weather and the light.

I can work out at 5am or 11pm and not worry about how early or late it is (I don’t like running in the dark). Also, unless your roof is malfunctioning, there should be no rain, snow, wind or ice on your treadmill. If you’re really hard core, this can even allow you to get your body ready for a race that’s in a different climate then the one you live in (yes, I’ve heard stories of people dressing in layers and getting on the treadmill to prepare for Florida races). And you can also mimic elevations so you’re ready for that hilly race-cation even if you live in flat as a pancake Dallas:).

If it’s in your house, You Don’t Need A Babysitter!

My boys are older now, but when they were little, the treadmill was my salvation! I could do it while they napped or, when they were old enough, put on an education television show that would enrich their mind while I got a few miles done (OK, sometimes it was Sponge Bob. Don’t judge).

I hope you’ll reconsider how you view your treadmill. If you embrace it, it can be your best friend and provide lots of great training. And the ice and snow will be gone eventually. I promise!

Happy Running!


12 thoughts on “Hate The Treadmill? NOT ME! Why I Love My Treadmill

  1. Totally agree Jen! My husband can’t run 10 minutes on a treadmill. I do get outside in the spring/summer and it is a nice change of pace (no pun intended). It’s funny I can watch the Today show in like 27 minutes with no commercials! ha

    1. Sometimes I feel like such an oddball because I like it and yes, if I have a show to catch up on, I’ve even been known to CHOOSE it when the wether’s good! Glad to know I’m not the only one!

  2. I also love running on treadmill. Watching a TV show or movie helps pass the time. It is great for speed work too. I love that you have your medals displayed right by your treadmill. I do the same thing. It’s nice to have a reminder of all your accomplishmentime while you are working towards another goal. -L

  3. I’ve totally fallen in love with running on the treadmill. Don’t get me wrong, I prefer running outside but I work at a gym and I’ve started going in before work each morning and getting my long run in and it’s sooooo much better than coffee or caffeine to start my day. 🙂

  4. I was just telling my wife about how the main thing I like about the treadmill this year is my ability to perfect my pace. I can guarantee negative splits on every run because of it being on the treadmill. I still prefer being outside, but if there’s a silver lining, I think that’s it.

  5. Those are all great reasons! I detest running on the treadmill, but since summer is sure to come to Florida again complete with nasty heat and humidity, I really need to give it a try again this year. And I’ve never tried speed work on one, so I think that might be a nice way to start. Thanks for linking up with us!

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