Grown Up Gap Year is OVER! Now What??

Greetings, Faithful Blog Post Readers!

Although my time here on the blog has definitely become more limited in the past year, I am ever mindful of this particular space on the internet as the place where my words have lived for years. I know there are a few of you who still follow me here. I appreciate you and your patience!

As you know, the YouTube channel has really taken off. Or, maybe you don’t know because you are living your own life which is understandable. So just in case, here’s the link where you can find out what’s taking up all my time!

My Gap Year has officially come to an end which is more than a little surreal to me. In the past 12 months, I have not been home more than 3 weeks at a time, and the time has (pun intended) FLOWN.

From North Carolina, to Arizona to Paris to London to the Bahamas to (obviously) Florida, is has been quite a ride and I have the sum total of zero regrets. I have spent amazing time alone but also with friends and family (not to mention my remarkably supportive husband) that has changed me.

Doing what I wanted, on my own terms, and discovering the world as a woman with grown children has been liberating and I don’t use that word lightly. I have been braver then I could have imagined and re-discovered what makes ME happy. I realize to some that may sound selfish. However, I feel it was essential in order for me to be there for those I love in the next phase of my life, so in many ways, it was one of the least selfish things I’ve ever done.

I’ll be starting a new series on the YouTube channel called “Lessons From The Gap Year” and my hope is to also do a blog post for each. There have been so many lessons and I am truly giddy with excitement for this project!

In the mean time, know that you are loved. There is so much negative in our world right now and we can choose to dwell there or we can choose to bring light and joy and hope. That is my goal. Not to share that everything is perfect because that would be foolish – but rather to share that we can pour our energies into bringing the light rather than the dark. I’ll meet you there.


3 thoughts on “Grown Up Gap Year is OVER! Now What??

  1. Looking forward to hearing your reflections on the year! And thank you for “Not to share that everything is perfect because that would be foolish – but rather to share that we can pour our energies into bringing the light rather than the dark”– because I need to remember this.

  2. I discovered you on your vlog and would love to know if you are returning to work or is the vlog now your job? You are so real and that encourages others to be real . Thanks Jen for all you do.

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