Friday Favorites!!

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve participated, but thought I’d join the fun today for one of my favorites, the Friday Five Link Up from Courtney at Eat, Pray, Run, DC ,Cynthia from You Signed Up For What?! and Mar from Mar on The Run!

  1. SPRING BREAK!! I start a new job on Monday and it just happens to be spring break. So why am I putting it on the list? Because my husband is off work and the kids don’t have to be at school. Incredibly grateful that a. we didn’t schedule a trip away and b. I’ll have a whole week to adjust to my new job without worrying about the kids and their schedules. Totally awesome timing! Woohoo!
  2. LOCAL RACES! I’ve been training for awhile now for the Irving Half Marathon on April 4th, and although we all know I love me some “race-cations”, being able to focus on training without having to worry about the logistics of a trip is quite lovely. The start line is literally 10 minutes from my front door. I’ll get to sleep in my own bed the night before and everything! The only thing I’m doing differently, that I haven’t done in the past, is scheduling a really fun brunch for after the race. The one thing I DON’T like about local races is just coming home and doing laundry. Feels very anti-climactic. Reminds me, need to start thinking about where I want to eat!
    at the inaugural race 2 years ago. GREAT RACE!
  3. The new line from SkirtSports. I LOVE that they modeled it after the outfits Kathrine Switzer used to have to make for herself, long before we had wonderful companies to do it for us. I can’t afford to purchase anything right now (see #1 about starting new job – we need to recover from my 4 months off work!) but I definitely have my eye on that purple tank and skirt. Wouldn’t that be perfect for my race in April?? So cute!! 
  4. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. This may be odd because we WILL loose an hour of sleep on Sunday night but I love that the sun will be setting later in the day. I hate it when it gets dark so early! Bonus if I want to run or walk the dogs in the evenings, I can now. Although on Monday I may feel like Lady Kee. Love this video! 
  5. DOGGIES!! We’ve been stuck home a lot lately with the weather, and I can’t tell you how much these 3 precious fur-babies bring us joy and laughter. Just adore these guys. Yes, they are a lot of work but they are SO WORTH IT! 
    Walter playing in the snow yesterday. The boys were having a snow ball fight and he stole a snow ball. He actually brought it in the house and put it on the couch. So, yeah, still worth it;).

I hope you have a great weekend scheduled! I’ve got 12 miles up for tomorrow and it’s going to be coolish but sunny and dry so I will take it!!

6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites!!

  1. Oh I am also so excited about the new Katherine Switzer line of clothing through Skirt Sports. Yes, you need the purple outfit. I am also very excited about Daylight Savings time!

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