So, after re-watching my favorite taper video AGAIN, I realized that those who love us crazy runners are maybe as much in need of wisdom as the runners themselves so I thought I’d take a stab at giving you some insight into what we’re thinking right now, with less than a week until our big race. In this case, it’s the Disney World Marathon weekend but it could be said for any major event that your favorite runner has been training for/dreaming about/planning for months.
- We will go back and forth between periods of extreme over confidence (ie I’m pretty sure I can shave 32 minutes of my last marathon time!) and moments of utter doubt of our ability (ie do I even remember how to run? I’m never going to be able to do this!). Oh, and bonus – both emotions may happen within the same 15 minute period of time. Good luck with that. The appropriate responses are as follows. For over-confidence: “I could totally see that happening! You’re awesome!” And for it’s counter-part: “Are you kidding? You’re totally ready for this and you’re going to be amazing! I could only hope to be in as good a shape as you!”
- We will obsess about the weather. A LOT. We will check weather websites multiple times each day and need to have a 15 minute conversation about it each time. Just listen and give helpful tips. DON’T mention things like “you’re being ridiculous it is what it is” or “you do realize you don’t control the weather?” These comments are not helpful.:)
- We will obsess about literally every ache and pain in our bodies, convinced we are injured. There is only one appropriate response to this. Never mind, two. 1) here’s two Advil and a glass of wine (yes I know you’re not supposed to do those at the same time but this is war) and 2) “you should schedule a massage” and if you have young kids this should be followed by “and I’ll watch the kids”
- We will obsess about what to pack and may pack, then re-pack, decide to check a bag, then decide to just take a carry-on, etc. This may take days and you have to let it go as long as it takes. A helpful comment during the packing obsession phase is “here’s a glass of ice water. Since you’ve been in here for 3 hours I thought you might need some re-hydration!” And smile when you say it. Sarcastic comments will not help.
And lastly, I promise that we will be back to our old selves when it’s all over. And we’ll be happier and healthier and in a really good mood and you will be our best friend for being so amazingly supportive and being there even though we were impossible to live with. We KNOW we can be impossible and ridiculous but if you can refrain from pointing it out, you will move to the top of the list of our favorite people!! Thank you, all those who support a distance runner, for making it possible. You’ve watched the kids, put up with our o’ dark thirty wake ups, been OK with our uselessness for entire Saturdays when we’ve done mileage in the double digits AND put up with our whining about, well, in my case, everything. We love you and couldn’t do it without you!!!!!
Happy Running!! I’d type more but I have to go re-pack.
ROFL Thanks Jen This I can relate to – this is exactly how I felt in the lead up to the Donald last January. You will be great
enjoy it, the hard work is done.
You are completely correct about every one of these. I think I’ve done them all today.