I have made fun of blogs for years. Famously so. I have said they are narcissistic, annoying and self-promoting. I have made jokes like “I think blogs are incredibly narcissistic, annoying and self-promoting. Want to know why? Check out my blog . . . .”
And yet here I sit on a quiet Friday. Kid home sick. Dishes in the sink. Laundry piling up. And I feel compelled. But truly for only one reason – I talk to so many of you everyday at dinner parties, at the grocery story, at the ridiculously long middle school band concert. And it always seems to get back around to running. And so here I hope to maybe inspire but mostly just have a place I can send people to hear my story, how I do it, why I am a very mediocre runner and will most likely stay that way . . .but I’m getting ahead of myself.
I’m a lot of things – a wife to Scott (for 22 years!), a mom to 3 amazing boys (whom I have promised to speak very little about here), a pastor at a large Dallas church, and a runner. There are a few other titles I wear occasionally like Broadway Singing Sensation but typically that’s just when I have my Kristin Chenowith Pandora station on.
I run every other day and have done so for almost 4 years with only a few breaks. I have run 6 half marathon and one full, and am preparing for Chicago in October. It took me 3 months to run a full mile without stopping, I wear minimalist shoes and am not all that thin so I have to wear compression shorts anytime the weather is over 65 or I get horrible road rash. Is that TMI? Well if that was TMI you may want to stop reading now. Oh, and I run a steady but slow 10:30 pace on average. (and if THAT makes you say sheesh she’s slow you might want to check out a different blog because you might be kind of a jerk . . . ) Oh and I run most of my races at Disney. Because I really like Disney.
This will be more of just a public journal of my escapades. I may only do a few entries and get bored so if you’re reading this and you like it, you may want to let me know. I have no interest in promoting a product, “branding myself” (what the heck does that MEAN anyway?) or making a name for myself. But I AM interested in helping men and women who thought they weren’t athletes to see that we are all athletes and we can all be healthier than we are . . . OK, let the journey begin.
It’s funny to read something you’ve written….now that I’ve met you I have your voice in my head that reads it :)… You’re anything but slow my dear……keep writing Jen!
I love it and can’t wait to read more because I just don’t get to see you enough! (And I heard your voice in my head when I read it, too!) Love ya, sweets!
I been called many things since my “life transformation” (even “skinny b*tch” in the proper context which I have to admit was somewhat fun) but my favorite has been “athlete.” Many may not consider that a compliment but I do!
And really, how could you ever be anything but entertaining and informative????
Wow, no wonder everyone has a blog! It’s evidently a fun place where your friends post awesome things about you and everyone else can see it! I LOVE blogs! (is it wrong that I just made myself laugh . . .my mother used to say I play well together)