Boring Post about My Training Schedule

Sorry, but one of the reasons I blog is to hold myself accountable, so from time to time, these incredibly boring, detailed essays about my training for this or that are going to happen. I promise it won’t be very entertaining but it might be informative . . . maybe. No promises.

OK, so I’ve just come off the 30 days of 5K self-imposed challenge, and it was overall a HUGE success. I will admit, though, that I have a funky pain in my left foot that comes and goes and my calves are still way too tight (yes, I know, most likely it’s my plantar fasciitis acting up – I already scheduled a date with a frozen golf ball for later tonight). So instead of participating in the Runner’s World mile a day streak as planned, I am taking the next 24 hours completely off and then jumping into my training for Dumbo Double Dare in August. Here’s what it will look like:

Mondays – 4 – 5 miles
Tuesdays -rest and cross train (most likely swimming)
Wednesday – 4 – 5 miles
Thursday – cross train (swim, walk or the from hell gym invention called the elliptical) plus strength training
Friday – 3 miles (either walking or running depending on how my legs are doing)
Saturday – long run – (starting with a 6 miler and stepping it up every other week,which has me doing a 6 miler, an 8 miler and 2 10’s)
Sunday – Rest

I may shake it up a bit some week’s and there are 5 days in the schedule where the twins and I will be at Disney World where I WILL NOT be running (mostly due to heat and humidity in Florida in June and because it’s a solo mom and twins trip so time I spend running will be time away from them and I really want to be intentional with those few days). IF I stick with the strength training it will be the first time EVER that I’ve managed to be consistent with that during a training cycle, so I have my doubts. I could really use a gym buddy, btw, so if you’re working out in my town and I seem needy, say hi and be my friend:).

I am VERY excited to be back on a training regiment. I think it’s my overly controlling nature (that my counselor is trying very hard to help me overcome) but I LIKE that the calendar tells me what to do. Hoping that I get through each and every run injury free! Oh, and there WILL be lots of treadmill time in there as running 4 times a week in the TX heat is just a beat down for me. I’ll try to do at least half of them outside, though, because 4 times a week on the treadmill is just a beat down for me (see what I did there? I’m difficult to please, I know)

Anybody else training for Dumbo? What’s your plan? I honestly haven’t been this excited about a race in a long time and CAN’T WAIT! And bonus – I’ll get to see Cars Land for the first time!! It’s really not a bad life I’m living over here. Really.

Happy Running!


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