Black Girls Run! Guest Blog Post By Portia

Portia and I became FB friends after I read a bit of her story in Runner’s World and found out she was local. I knew immediately that I wanted her to guest blog for me! Fast forward to the Disney World Marathon where I cheered on many amazing women who ran with Black Girls Run and I was intrigued – I’ve known for years that there’s NOT been enough diversity in distance running, especially among women, and I’ve admired the great work BGR has done to change that and get ALL women out there getting stronger and healthier! Thanks, Portia, for being awesome and for writing for this blog about your own running life and your involvement with BGR!

Today’s testimony comes from Irving’s own Portia Daniels-Banks!   If you live in Irving, swing on by and say hello to a fellow runner friend and get in a quick mile or two…or four…or twelve.  Who’s counting anyway? J
1. How did I start running? 
I began running in 2012 to diversify my exercise regimen in efforts to lose weight. At the end of 2012, I started running outside alone.  However during the spring of 2013 a co-worker suggested that I look into running with Black Girls RUN! (BGR!) in Irving.  I was surprised to hear that there was a local group of African American women who ran…  I had never heard of them, so I researched the Black Girls RUN! website for information.
2. Why Black Girls RUN! (BGR!)?
In a nutshell, the group’s mission is to encourage women to make fitness and healthy living a priority. BGR! wants to create a “movement” to lower the percent of women who are overweight and subsequently lower the number of women with chronic diseases associated with an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle.  The group’s name includes “Black Girls” however there are non-African American women who run with the group.  We’re all one big happy family.
3. What has been my most fun race?
I have to say it was a series, the Irving Marathon Series to be precise.  I ran my first 5k with them and placed third for my division (gender/ age).  This is when I caught the bug to run.  I also completed my first Half and Full marathons with them too.  There was awesome course support along the way from BGR! and other spectators. (note from Jen: what she doesn’t mention is that when she ran the marathon, the FOLLOWING DAY she ran the Big D half. Amazing!)

4. How many races have I run?
I have run about 3 fun runs to include color and mud with obstacles.  I have run about 5 timed races with distances ranging from 5k to a full marathon.
5. What do I like about running?
What I like most about running are the challenges it brings. It’s all about what you put into it. If I don’t push myself, I stay the same. With that being said, I recently ran a full marathon on a Saturday and then ran a half marathon the following Sunday. Additionally, I enjoy running with the lovely ladies of BGR!. No matter which race or location, it seems like we’re all one big happy running family.
6. If I could leave one tidbit for the world, what would it be?
Never feel that your words or gestures to another runner to run his/ her race will be in vain. Your kind words, smiles, waves and hellos or thumbs up will push another runner more than you could ever express verbally.
7. What are 2 things that I’d like to share that only people I know, know about me?
Well… I’m a small town girl from East Texas – Kilgore, Texas who moved to North Texas (DFW) to attend college. Additionally, I was featured in Runners World magazine’s December 2013 issue.
8. If I were going to a race and could only bring one piece of equipment, what would it be?
I would definitely have my running bottle. I dislike stopping at water stops
when running less than a full marathon. LOL!
9. My final thoughts?
BGR! is a sisterhood of nationwide runners. If you need support reach out to any of us. We are much more than runners; we are also valued friends.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your story with us, Portia! You’re a great example of how running can change your life and bring you great community at the same time!!

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