And So We Wait . . . .

This post is going to be so boring I’m not even going to bother posting it to the FB page. This is what this week’s schedule looks like (taper):

Tuesday – 30 minutes (or 3 miles whichever comes first)
Thursday – 30 minutes or 3 miles
Saturday – 6 miles

Wow. A whole 12 miles. I haven’t had mileage that low since June, maybe? I’m trying to juice a lot and up my protein and I’m craving meat for some reason which is TOTALLY weird because I’ve been a vegetarian/mostly vegan for almost 8 years! Not sure what’s up with that unless it’s my body going into over-drive with damage repair from the 20 miler. Trying to up my protein – lots of lite soy chocolate milk, almonds and Pei Wei tofu. Yum.

Still have a weird pain in my left hip that I’m trying my hardest to ignore. We’ve been out of Advil for a week – must get some of that tonight.

Oh and bonus, my husband is going to be working crazy hours the next 9 days so I’ll essentially be a single mom. So much for him taking care of me! Oh well, my boys are pretty good about taking care of me so I will make them feel guilty and we should be good;).

Obsessively checking weather. Looks great but rain keeps showing up – cool and dry would be my preference! Oh, and I need to go to the dollar store and buy a couple fleece blankets. I saw some folks with those instead of throw-away sweatshirts at the Princess and they looked nice and toasty! But if it’s going to be really chilly for the start, I may want a jacket so I can wear it for the first few miles. I can check a bag for free so maybe I’ll just pack everything I own and decide that morning, just kidding.

Woohoo! Getting Excited!!


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