Sunday Night Motivation for Monday Morning!

How many Mondays have you promised yourself – TOMORROW is the day! I’ll get up early, go for a run, eat a good breakfast, make good choices all day, and go to bed on time! Or really, any variation of this plus a million other things that you’ve been putting off and waiting for the perfect moment to commit to.

Tomorrow, Friend, is YOUR Monday. The sun is going to come up and after about 16 hours or so, the sun is going to set, and you’re going to make GREAT choices with it. Over-eating? Stop it! Sleeping in and skipping your run? Stop it! Putting poison in your body because your self medicating due to stress? Well, you get the point. I’m going to divert to one of my favorite therapists, Bob Newhart, to explain the concept further:

OK, so maybe that’s not actually all that helpful.

But the point is, God gave you an amazing body. Even if it’s currently at a BMI you’d rather not discuss, even if it hasn’t seen weight bearing exercise for months, even if you’ve been choosing to fill it with chemicals and cancer sticks (AKA cigarettes) it’s an AMAZING body and you only have one. And it’s a miracle!! You can make a different choice on how to treat it and you can start TOMORROW.

And for those of you that want to be runners –  that wish you were runners – that see runners and think “why can’t I do that?” You CAN. I love these words from John Bingham, AKA “The Penguin” and one of my favorite runners who writes (emphasis mine!):

“If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far. It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.”

So get out there and RUN. Run for physical health. For mental health. Even for spiritual health! And who knows? Maybe tomorrow is YOUR Monday. The day you’ll be able to look back on and say “that was the day. The day I decided. And everything changed.”

And in a weird twist of pastor meets blog, I will be praying specifically for all of you reading this who need to let the words get through (because God knows who you are!). Praying that God will give you the strength you need. The encouragement you need. The support you need. And I’m pulling for you all.

Happy running!


2 thoughts on “Sunday Night Motivation for Monday Morning!

  1. Hey Jen, thanks. This is an old post but it’s kinda what I was Googling to search for. I thought, this is old, I wonder if this nice woman is still rockin it this hard and maybe you could use a reminder of how motivated you were this day! Let’s get it this week!

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