What Are YOU Declaring Independance From?

On the fourth of July, Independence Day, we celebrate our independence from Great Britain. To be more specific (and stolen from Wikipedia): Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

I love this holiday. I love my John Philips Sousa Pandora station (which yes, I will run to in the morning), making sprinkled cupcakes, and watching A Capitol Fourth (especially if someone I love is performing – just went and checked and Neil Diamond will be on this year. IN. Because listening to They’re Coming to America takes me right back to 8th grade drill team officer tryouts. Which actually was very painful. So maybe not.)

But as I was thinking about what we’re celebrating as a nation, I was thinking about what have I declared my independence from? And do I need to declare my independence from other things? I declared my independence from death the moment I became a Christ follower so that’s clearly the biggest one and the one for which I am the most grateful.

I’ve also already declared independence from my genetic pattern of obesity and heart disease and my false self talk about not being an athlete and my unfounded fears of being uncovered as a poser. And there are a few things I NEED to declare independence from. Things like my ongoing struggle with body image (I always see myself as overweight even though the scale and my BMI chart don’t reflect that) and maybe the way I use food to self-medicate (especially when I’m feeling stressed). And for sure the way I allow other people’s opinions of me to shape my behavior rather than seeking God’s best above all else.

Our founding fathers found themselves under tyranny and excessive control and taxation and wanted to live differently. They believed that they could live a better story if they were free from oppression and free to govern and live as they chose. They fought long and hard so that we could be free.

So to honor the sacrifices made for you, what could YOU declare independence from today? Is it the fear of failure? Is it your unhealthy eating habits? Maybe it’s addiction to alcohol, or shopping or the internet. Maybe it’s self talk that is self destructive – lies about who you are, who made you, and how you are to live. Maybe this is the day you declare independence from a destructive relationship, an abusive spouse, or a tyrannical boss (or at least promise yourself you’ll start looking for a more positive work situation immediately!). Or maybe you need to declare independence from unhealthy life patterns of yelling at your kids, not getting enough sleep, and not taking care of yourself so that you can care well for others.

Whatever it is, you live in a country where you are free. Because others fought, and thought, and died to make you that way. And you can be free from death because of what Christ did for you on the cross. So don’t live as though you are shackled. Remember that you ARE, truly, FREE. And I can’t think of anything more worthy of celebration than that.

“For if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

Happy Running. And Happy Freedom. And Happy Independence Day.


3 thoughts on “What Are YOU Declaring Independance From?

  1. You’re right (your FB comment) – it’s a very good post and worthy of being read every year.

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