Are You Running Your First Race EVER This Weekend??

So now that the fall racing season is upon us, I KNOW some of you are running your first race EVER very soon. So my first word to you is:

HOLY SMOKES, LOOK AT YOU! Do you have any idea how few people in the world have the courage and the strength and the discipline to embark on this journey?? And you’re ready! You’re almost at the starting line!! I am SOOO proud of you!! And you’re GOING TO NAIL IT!! Because it’s your first race so you know what that means? GUARANTEED PR, BABY!! (personal record sometimes called PB or personal best) This is basically how I’m feeling as I type that to you:

Now that THAT’S out of the way, you may have some other, more concrete and practical questions. I’m going to assume you’re trained and ready. So for this post, I’m going to focus on race etiquette and a couple of pointers to make you feel at ease and lessen those race morning jitters!!

  1. Relax. I’ve said this before – you won’t come in last, and even if you do, no one will laugh or point or stare. Because runners aren’t like that. Repeat: Runners. Aren’t. Like that. I have seen people throw up, poop their pants, pee on themselves, be spit on, fart, be tripped, have wardrobe malfunctions and throw water in another runner’s face by accident. And although I’ve seen runners get annoyed with each other, I have NEVER seen a true runner laugh or belittle another runner. I’m telling you, you are with a safe group.
  2. You wear you race number on the front. Not on the back. A lot of us wear them either right under the girls (sorry, guys) or if you don’t want to mess up your shirt with safety pin holes, you can attach it to the belt of your shorts. 
  3. Read the instructions on the D-Tag or whatever tracking system their using (this is the thing that ensures your time gets recorded. Some smaller races may not have this but most do). Many still use the kind you put on your shoe laces but some (all the Disney races, for example) just have them on the back of the bib so you don’t need to mess with it. Make sure you know how to use it because it would totally stink to not have recorded evidence of your awesomeness.
  4. FILL OUT THE EMERGENCY INFO on the back of your bib. I once saw a woman trip and get hit (hard) by a cyclist and get a bad head injury. She had not filled out her info and the paramedics had no way of knowing what she was allergic to or who to contact and she was unable to communicate. They eventually got what they needed but it took way longer than it needed to. If you go down, seconds might count. So fill it out. (see what I did there?)
  5. Don’t wear your race shirt FOR the race! It’s superstitious, but most of us won’t wear a race shirt until we’ve completed the race. Wearing the race shirt (while again, not something that anyone will laugh at you for – see #1) is a dead give away that it’s your first race;).
  6. Plan a fun celebration afterwards! My first half marathon was here in Dallas and we didn’t plan any fun meal or anything after. So I basically came home and ended up doing laundry. It sucked. I didn’t realize how much I would want people around me to celebrate. 
    So yeah, if it’s a Disney race, dinner with Mickey is a good idea:) This was my first marathon! What a great day!

Lastly, and I’ve said this before, too, don’t be afraid to start conversations with other runners!! And don’t be afraid to say “this is my first race”. Again, we are FOR each other out there and other runners LOVE to encourage and cheer each other on!! Great conversation starter? “What was your first race?” Those are like our birthing stories – we will share. In vivid detail and with enthusiasm. I promise.
And if you get one of the introverts that doesn’t want to talk, move on until you find someone to make you feel at ease. Because those minutes standing in the corral waiting for the gun to go off will feel very scary if you go it alone. So don’t do that.

You’ve worked hard, you’ve put in the training, so go out there and have the time of your life!! What about the rest of you? Do you have some first race tips for the new runners out there? You can post them here or over on the FB page.

Happy Running (and racing!!). We can’t wait to hear all about it!


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