Review – Tour Des Fleurs 10K, Dallas Arboretum!

Despite some definite strangeness that I will go into later, today was an amazing race and so so much fun!! Although the course was awesome, the homes along the way magnificent and the post race party to die for, the REAL STAR of the day was the weather. It was one of those seriously perfect running days that we all dream about but don’t usually get – 60’s, dry, truly magnificent.

Stephanie (great friend and blogger over at Food and Fitness 4 Real) picked me up at 6am and we headed out! Thanks to a friend’s borrowed Arboretum Membership Card we were able to park in the lot. Otherwise, there was remote parking and a shuttle which would not have been terrible but the convenience was much appreciated! (thanks, Angie!)

First let me say this was my very first time at the Dallas Arboretum and it is just gorgeous!! All the pumpkins were out as we were walking in and it just felt magical. But as I said, the weather!! So spectacular! As we were walking in (mind you, there were lots of runners walking with us) I started jumping up and down enthusiastically and saying “Stephanie! I’m cold! I’m cold! I’m cold!” I did get a couple of looks but to be honest, it’s just been so long since I’ve been cold at the start of a race that I couldn’t contain myself.

I LOVED running at White Rock Lake (never did THAT before, either). After almost 13 years living in Dallas, I need to wrap my mind around the fact that this is MY town now, and I clearly need to start getting to know it;).

Loved the course – the lake was gorgeous and we passed some really beautiful homes. And here’s when the weirdness started – I showed we were at mile 4 and I saw the mile 5 marker and I thought, huh, that must be for the 20K? Uh, yeah, no, just about a mile later we were done. Soooo . . I’m all confused. What just happened. Is my Garmin off? Am I off? I was totally on pace for a PR and now was just bewildered.

Turns out we were misdirected at one of the turns and it cut the course a mile short. So, yeah, that was weird. And another first. There was also some confusion about who won – evidently some of the guys at the front took a wrong turn as well and cut the course short. So, bottom line? They had some issues.

But hey, you know what? It’s still a gorgeous day and we had a good time and both made great (if most likely unofficial) times so who cares?

And wait,  what is this? Free stuff? Uh, YEAH. To start with, our finishers “medal” was a great Headsweats hat so that was cool (Stephanie’s sporting hers above). So now? Uh, I’m with a food blogger so OF COURSE, we EAT!!

Here’s just a partial list of what they had (for free;):

  • Tiff’s cookies
  • Nothing Bundt Cakes
  • Tons of Fruit and various recovery bars
  • Pizza
  • Beer and hard cider (which is what I had – I don’t like beer)
  • Sprinkles cupcakes

Stephanie and I had a feast! I kept saying “we shouldn’t eat this much after only running 5.2 miles. Now if we’d done the whole 10K . . .” But that logic didn’t really stop us;).

We came across my coach, Natalie Merrill, who had come in 3rd place overall for the 20K!! Hurray and way to go, Nat!!

We waited around for the awards ceremony and chatted with Natalie and listened to a very good cover band.

Sadly, they couldn’t do the awards ceremony because of all the course confusion and I was so sad for Nat and the other winners who couldn’t be celebrated well!! A couple of them were standing by us so we did our own little private cheering so they would feel the love. You all are amazing!!

So overall, I give this race an 8 out of 10. Had the course been marked correctly, it would have been a 10. Great course, great weather, great post race goodies, great hat, great shirt (women’s fit, btw, Disney – are you reading?;) and just a great vibe. I will definitely do it again!!

As of right now, my next race isn’t until the WDW Half in January. But I’m thinking I may not make it that long . . . any suggestions?? Saturday races are ideal because of my day job but would love to do a fun, local 10K or longer!!

Happy Running!!


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