I Can’t Keep Having This Conversation – Shame and Running

I feel the need to give a caveat before you read this post. I am going through an Ecourse by Brene Brown based on her book, The Gifts of Imperfection. It’s all about really comfy and approachable topics like shame, fear, compassion, courage, vulnerability and belonging. That was sarcasm. You know, in case this is the first post of mine you’ve ever read. Because I do sarcasm a lot.

So the topic of courage is the one that seems to be leaping off the page to me, both in my own life and in all of these conversations I keep having with people. It’s like the thing that happens when you get a new car. You thought you were the only one with that car. But now that you’re driving one, it seems as though every one in the universe has the same car as you. It’s that way right now with me and courage. I was sure I was the only one who had a hard time with it. But just as I thought I was the only one to buy a white Chevy Traverse, I was DEAD WRONG. (how many of those have they sold, anyway? I’m tired of trying to get into the wrong car at Tom Thumb)

So back to the conversation I can’t keep having. Scott and I went to a local place for breakfast this morning, and here’s what happened:

Server: Do you run a lot?
Me: How can you tell?
Server: Because your shirt says RUN. (oh, yeah, that makes sense. I was sure it was because she could just tell by my amazing glow😉
Me: I do! In fact, I just did an amazing run outside this morning! 10 miles Which is why I just ordered enough food to feed a small village of lumberjacks.
Server: I like to run but I never run outside. Only on the treadmill. I’d be way too embarrassed to run outside.
Me: (choking slightly on my water for effect) WHY? Girl, you got to say nertz to that and just get the heck out there!!

I proceeded to tell her about our local park (not far from the restaurant) and how beautiful it is this time of year (see photo at top from this mornings 10 miler to see exactly how beautiful) and how she’ll see EVERYBODY! Tall people, short people, skinny people, not skinny people, old people, young people, people with great taste in workout outfits, and people who could care less (I usually like them better).

The point is, she was letting her fear of being shamed get in the way of enjoying the gorgeous weather and beautiful scenery and instead was running on a machine with a blank wall in front of her. And she hated it.

And then she said the part that really upset me.

“The thing is, sometimes I can’t run the whole time and I have to stop and walk. And I don’t see other runners doing that.”

WHAT?!?!?! OK, enough with the you can’t walk or your not a real runner garbage. I’ve had it. Done. Finito. We are not a bunch of elitist snobs, Runner People, and we have to stop acting like the real runners never stop to walk, because I’ve raced with thousands of you and unless you’re an Elite, most of you are walking from time to time. And even if you’re not, WHO FLIPPING CARES? It’s not your job to judge the rest of the running world who are just trying to enjoy the outdoors and participate in a sport that they love! (not that many of you do this. But I’ve heard it happens)

So to that dear server I dedicate today’s post. I hope you’ll push past the shame and the fear of failure. That you’ll lace up your shoes, put on whatever feels comfortable to you, and get out there. Because life is short, in Texas good weather is fleeting, and you are loved. You are God’s child. You are imperfect. And you are enough.

And thanks so much, Brene Brown, for turning me into “awkward conversations at restaurants” girl. (there’s that sarcasm again)

Happy Running!


4 thoughts on “I Can’t Keep Having This Conversation – Shame and Running

  1. Not to overtly promote my own blog – that would be narcissistic – the reflective post below written this Summer takes a look back at my first year back on the pavement; however, what I failed to acknowledge in the post was that while one of the reasons I headed out of the house at 5:30am was certainly Florida’s heat, the other reason was my own self consciousness and shame. I was hired on a few years ago to run a successful small business as a president and partner, I have competed in two different sports at very high levels (one professionally and the other collegiately), I have bachelor’s and master’s degrees and attended one of the world’s most renowned universities for a semester while earning my master’s…yet I was embarrassed to have people see me and my large body at the time run (well, run/walk) last Summer. Thus, to that server, I hope she’ll listen as I say…GO RUN! It was the best decision for my physical well being that I ever made…well, my wife pushed me along (as you’ll see in the post)…


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