PACKING LIST!! Yup, It’s That Time! Wine And Dine Half Marathon!

I have a very busy work week ahead of me so I will be packing much of my stuff tomorrow for the 2013 Disney World Wine And Dine Half Marathon.

I can’t remember when I’ve been this excited about about a race. Maybe because it’s my first night race or because I’ve never run this route at Disney World before, but who cares. It’s making me very happy just to think about it so we’re gonna just say THANK YOU, JESUS for great opportunities for FUN and JOY (both of which God is a big fan of, by the way) and leave it at that. With lots of WOOHOO’s for good measure.

I’m spending this Friday night reading some fun trip reports (here’s a great one from Christine and Pam over at We Run Disney) and thinking through my packing list.

I’m only there 2 nights so I won’t need much and since I’m flying using our employee passes on Delta (so grateful for those!!), traveling light is always a good idea. Not sure which flight I’m going to be on, so checking a bag would be a nightmare. Prayers and good thoughts that I get on my flights would be appreciated!! Here’s what I know I’ll need:

My Mrs. Incredible costume made from a Sparkle Athletic Skirt, a tech tank I bought on Amazon and an iron on I bought on Ebay. (oh and the arm warmers are from Skirt Sports! Love them!)

Shoes – My regular Merrill’s and my back up Merrill’s. Yes, I bring back up shoes.
3 pairs of running socks (because, well, I don’t know. 3 seems right somehow.)
Body Glide

Roobelt. (Bought this at the Disneyland Half expo and I love it!!)

EnergyBits The more I use these, the more I love them. Seriously.

Cliff Bars They are my “go to” pre-race food. I like the chocolate chip.
Jacket to wear for the after party (I get really chilled after races, even when it’s warm, so for the FIRST TIME EVER I’ll be using bag check for a Disney race)
My magic band

(first time using one of these, too, and I actually have two at my house right now because we are going again for Thanksgiving. I know. I’m spoiled. It’s ridiculous).
Regular clothes for during the day and all my regular toiletries.

So there you have it. The good thing about doing this many out of town races is that I’m pretty adroit at the packing thing (3 dollar word thrown in to prove I was an English major;). I’m going to start throwing stuff in the bag tomorrow.

Hoping to get in 5 – 6 miles in the morning and it should be a gorgeous day for it! I haven’t practiced any actual night runs so I’m just hoping my body can figure it out! But as I said earlier, I am running this race FOR FUN not for time, so it will be what it is. And I will love every minute!!

Happy Running!! If you’re going, comment below or come over to the FB page and talk to me over there! Would be great to connect!


2 thoughts on “PACKING LIST!! Yup, It’s That Time! Wine And Dine Half Marathon!

  1. Ha! I was considering the same costume (Mr. Incredible shirt in my case) but I was worried about ironing the transfer onto tech shirt material. How did it work? I’m afraid I’ll melt the shirt.

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