Top Five Reasons Why Disney World Marathon Weekend is Still My Favorite

I know we’re all crazy busy with Christmas preparations right now but I was just doing some finalizing of plans for WDW Marathon Weekend (January 10 – 12, 2014) and wanted to share with you, briefly, why this is my FAVORITE RunDisney weekend.

This will be our fourth year to run – the first year it was just the half for me, Scott and our oldest son, Jack.

The next year it was the half only for Scott and the marathon for me, and last year, Scott and I both completed the 20th Anniversary Marathon and earned our FAVORITE medal. You can read about that adventure here.

I’ve run the majority of the other RunDisney events and although they all have a soft spot in my heart for one reason or another, this one consistently stays the one I get the most butterflies in my stomach about and most look forward to each year. Here’s why:

  1. It’s the biggest. Now that might seem like a negative and it is for some things like crowds, but I LOVE the energy and the fact that it usually draws some pretty big names, both in the running world and the regular world;). There’s a connection that you feel with runners from all over the world that gather and it’s amazing. Biggest also means, in my opinion, best and most comprehensive expo with the most vendors. I like that – everybody’s there and there is lots to explore.
  2. I always go with my husband. This is the only race that he can usually swing with his work schedule and it’s become a cherished time for us. We meet friends, share great food and just love being at Disney World in a completely different way then when we’re there for family vacation. In fact, last year I think we maybe rode 2 rides but had so much fun!
  3. I like the timing. It keeps my running consistent and (mostly) on track through the crazy Christmas holidays and gives me something to look forward to AFTER Christmas which is when I, like many of us, tend to get a little bummed that it’s over. And on the days when I’m stressed and can’t WAIT for the holidays to be over, it gives me a light at the end of the tunnel that says “time for you to have fun, Mom.”
  4. I like the weather. Usually. With a couple of exceptions, the weather is good. I missed the ice storm year (2010) and last year’s crazy heat was HORRIBLE but usually it’s great running weather in January in Florida.
  5. I like that it’s the original. It seems to draw more veteran runners than the other events and I love that sense of tradition. I felt it at the Chicago Marathon, too, and evidently I like the patina that things get when they’ve been going on for a long time. Everybody knows what they’re doing, and even those that are brand new feel comforted by knowing that the Run Disney folks have got it together and there are tons of veterans to answer questions and make you feel comfortable.

For those of you running the Dopey Challenge (5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, Half on Saturday, Full on Sunday) I am seriously rooting for all of you!! This will be a slacker weekend for me as I am only doing the 13.1 and then cheering Scott on for the full on Sunday but I’m kind of looking forward to that, too. I love cheering for runners and I will be hanging out in front of the Yacht Club looking for you and screaming your name if I see you!

Merry Christmas and see many of you in January! Happy Running!


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