Jenny’s Letter To Herself Before Her Very First Run

A few days ago, I wrote a letter to myself. Not myself now, but the self that headed out on that first, crazy intimidating, totally scary FIRST run. Over on the FB page, I asked other runners to do the same. I hope to post them here on the blog with the hope that they will encourage those just starting out, and maybe light a new fire under those of us to whom running is getting a little, um, old. Loved this one from Jenny. Enjoy! Oh, and if you want to send me YOUR letter to your early running self, you can email it to me at I would LOVE to read what you would say!

I started running at 43… Here is my letter to myself (my name is Jenny Van Buren)

Dear Jenny

Remember those nightmares you always have where people are chasing you and you can’t run? It’s like your running in foam or slow motion and you can’t get anywhere? I know that’s how you feel when you think about running. Speed walking is fine…you keep telling yourself…but what if?

I know you can’t run a mile right now without dying, but what if I told you that within a year you’d be training for a half marathon? What if I told you that running a race will become your favorite thing to do with your husband? What if I told you that the energy and the confidence you

will get from running will be life changing?

You will start with 5Ks and you will have the wrong shoes and it will be hard.

Then you’ll learn how your body works to make you run and how you have to take care of all of you and you’ll run farther.

You’ll finish your first 10K and be so proud.

You’ll decide to do a half and commit to training. You’ll run the farthest you’ve ever run and your body will be injured. But, you are so committed that you will go to physical therapy and you will work hard to be able to keep running.

During all of this you will be a better mom, better at your job, because you’re a runner and that takes guts…

So think of the what ifs. Be proud. You are capable. You are strong. You are a runner!


THANK YOU, Jenny, for sharing that with me!! Truly inspirational. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Want to see your letter to yourself here? Send it my way! the more we share the more we encourage each other!

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