Moving Backward to Move Forward – TOO MANY RACES!

So, it’s been a busy few months of racing for me. My racing “season” goes from, ideally, November – March. This is because of the Dallas summers which are next to impossible to train in. Mainly because when you run you feel like you are inside the mouth of a dog. It’s hot, it’s incredibly humid, and it’s just no bueno. I’ve done it. Lots. Never again.

So this year, of course, I started in September (yes, I know, when will I ever learn).

So here’s what it’s looked like for me since then:

September – Dumbo Double Dare
November – Wine and Dine
January – Disney World Half Marathon
February – Princess Half Marathon Glass Slipper Challenge

Now, you need to understand that although that list seems impressive, I have a bunch of friends that are Half Fanatics and Marathon Maniacs and FOR THEM this list is pathetic. But, since we’re not about comparison, I’m going to ignore that completely:).

The bottom line of this post is quite simple (are you ready?)


There. I said it. I was signed up for the GE Irving Half Marathon in 2 weeks but the thought of yet one more 10 – 12 mile run literally made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. My long runs have been feeling much like this scene from one of my favorite running films, “Run, Fatboy, Run”:

The thing is, I LOVE running (which should be obvious since I’ve dedicated a whole blog to it but I’m just double checking that I’m being clear). I honestly and sincerely mean that. But being in a training plan for one race or another for over 7 months was starting to take a toll. I was finding myself not enjoying even my 3 – 5 mile easy runs which are my running jam!! What in the world?!?!

SO, I’m taking my mileage backward for a season. That’s right. NO TRAINING for a half marathon until it’s time to get ready for Wine and Dine. I changed my upcoming half to the 10K and am oh so OK with that decision.

I need to slow down and back off and re-build my base. I’m working more on speed and more on strength and less on distance for the next season. And more on running for the shear LOVE of it, and less to reach a goal time or prepare for a race.

Because, believe it or not, when I’m in my groove and running like I want, I’m less like the clip above and more like the girl in my favorite Nike ad of all time. Which one you ask?? Here you go (and no, I’m not suggesting I look anything like here – I just FEEL like her;) So I will leave you with that.

Happy running!

One thought on “Moving Backward to Move Forward – TOO MANY RACES!

  1. Enjoy the journey. Sometimes you needs to back up to appreciate the full view! Put your blue flower in your hair and remember you picked “content” for a reason. *hugs*

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