Five Reasons To Run A Marathon!

I’m pretty excited about this week’s Friday Five link up from my friend, Courtney, over at Eat, Pray, Run DC! Because you might say, it’s in my wheel house. Or you might say, are you kidding how fun is this?!?!?!

Chicago Marathon 2012 – with my friends at the finish line!

So I’m just gonna jump in and try to contain myself.

  1. You are ready for a new kind of challenge! And/or you think you CAN’T. I ran my first marathon the year I turned 40. That’s a big deal and I wanted to commemorate with a big goal that seemed impossible. It was a great thing to focus on and made me feel VERY young and alive! I’ve heard from folks who trained for a marathon as they were healing from a divorce or to celebrate coming back from cancer. Whatever your reason, it’s a great way to bring some hope into your life!!
  2. All your friends are doing it. Yes, in middle school, your mom told you this was a HORRIBLE reason to do something, but in marathon training, you need your friends. If a group of them are trying to talk you into it you should DO IT. They will be your marathon training tribe and you can celebrate each other’s successes and comfort each other when you have bad training weeks.
  3. Your running has become boring. I had done a lot of half marathons and going to that 10 mile long run each time had just become (dare I say it) DULL. It didn’t push me anymore and I was ready for the next level.
  4. A DESTINATION RACE!! I’ve done Chicago and Disney World and I can tell you that I loved most every mile (not EVERY mile, miles 17 – 20 pretty much sucked each time;). I’ve seen the city of Chicago in a way few have and it’s a truly unique experience. And at WDW, I’ve been backstage and run along Main Street and through castles. Someday, I’d love to do NY or Paris for this same reason. And then the celebration afterwards can make for an unforgettable weekend!
    My sweet husband after his first marathon. Awwww . . . .see how happy he looks;)??
  5. BECAUSE YOU CAN. The truth? Many in our world simply can’t do this. Injury, age, disease, disabilities and (most often) their own minds keep this from being a possibility. If you can, I think you owe it to yourself to do it. As we know, I think everything is a spiritual experience, but even the most secular of humans find themselves closer to God when they run a marathon. It’s just the nature of it. It’s a celebration of this amazing vessel God gave you and what it can do.

I could go on and on. Notice I didn’t note “you can brag about it” but honestly, you really can. And forever. And you can work it into every conversation until the day you die (or until your spouse says if you bring it up one more time he’s not taking you places anymore;).

If you want more inspiration for your own journey, here are some links to some of my marathon experiences Chicago Marathon 2012 and WDW Marathon 2013. Have fun and happy running!!


10 thoughts on “Five Reasons To Run A Marathon!

  1. Great Post. I love #1 because you think you can’t. I plan on running my first next year and I have always held back because I think my body just won’t do it. Thanks for the motivation.

    1. YAY! I love that, Jenn. I didn’t think my body could, either, but it’s truly a miracle how if you just keep slowly ramping up that mileage it rises to the challenge. Good luck in the rest of your training!!

  2. Well, I am running my first marathon in 2015 because: I will be 40, I have ran about 10 half marathons and think I am ready for the bigger challenge, and I am running my first marathon in Paris which will make the course interesting! So I pretty much agree with everything about this post!

    1. I didn’t realize that! But I’m still not willing to do the Goofy. So amazed at those who do and honestly? It’s the getting up at 2:30 am two mornings in a row I can’t stomach!! Maybe I’ll see you there!!

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