Friday Five Link Up! Five Things About ME!

As much as I hate writing about myself (not true I love writing about myself), I hadn’t linked up with my great friends over at Eat Pray Run DC in awhile so I decided to fight through the discomfort of self disclosure (not true, I have no discomfort with self disclosure) and take today’s writing prompt to heart.

So here you go – 5 things about me. I’m gonna go ahead and go with five things you probably DON’T know and that I don’t think I’ve said here a million times.

  1. I was a community theater kid. I was painfully shy but loved singing and dancing so I auditioned for my first part at age 9 and didn’t stop until after our first son was born. I’ve been in over 27 productions and loved every single one. I know what things like “hell week” and “green room” and “strike party” mean and I actually know stage right from stage left.
    Me as Lucy in “Snoopy”. Braces and all.
  2. I was a serious ballet dancer until the age of 15 when the director of our dance studio told me my body type was all wrong to be a professional. I LOVED ballet. I still miss it. All the time.
  3. I hate football. Except as background to nap to. My dad loved it and it was a constant in my home growing up, but I can’t stand watching it. My freshman year of college at Arizona State (go Sun Devils) I had season tickets. Never used one of them. I know. I’m sorry, Football.
  4. I have mirror image identical twins who were huge when they were born. What this means is that their cowlicks go opposite ways and one’s left thumbprint is identical to the other’s right. I know. They’re freaks of nature. Speaking of which, here’s what I looked like at 8 months pregnant. Sorry if I offend. And don’t let that smile fool you. I was miserable.
  5. I have a deep, almost ridiculous love of the sea. I might actually be a selkie (def: a mythical creature that resembles a seal in the water but assumes human form on land see the film The Secret of Roan Inish for more) I was born in Huntington Beach, CA, and if I don’t return to the ocean at least twice a year something inside me breaks.
And there you have it. My most narcissistic post to date (well, maybe). Be sure you check out the link up to read about all the other great bloggers!!!! I’m still resting up from my marathon and half marathon ridiculousness, but once I actually start running again, I’ll be back to writing some stuff about that.
Happy Running!

  • 8 thoughts on “Friday Five Link Up! Five Things About ME!

    1. I can definitely nap during an NFL game, but must watch my college team. I’ve never heard of mirror image twins. Are their personalities opposite? I like to be around any body of water. Ocean, lake, river, even the pool!

      1. They are VERY different people but yet very much the same in some ways. I think that’s true of most identical twins so not sure if that’s the mirror image part or not? Hmmm. I should look that up! And yes, maybe you’re a selkie, too;)! Thanks for reading.

    2. Wow Jen! That picture of you pregnant with your twins is AMAZING! How did you not fall over all the time??? 🙂 I have the up-most sympathy and respect for you though. I am a twin, and the funny thing is no one knew there were two of us until we were born. AND my mom went 1 week past her due date. She says she was so huge and miserable she barely left the house that last month. I can only imagine!!

      1. So crazy how they didn’t used to know until delivery! What a shock! And that pic was taken approximately one hour before I called my OB/GYN and said “GET THESE BABIES OUT OF ME TODAY.” He did;).

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