8 Mile Long Run!!


The top 10 things I saw on my long run today:

10. many guys running completely unencumbered
9. many women running with strollers, toddlers on tricycles and/or dogs (seriously? Anybody else see an issue there? Ladies, start demanding that time to yourself!)
8. a bunch of people I know, mostly just from seeing each other lots on the trail at Andy Brown park – love that we have our own little community
7. A Tai Chi class – love that. So peaceful.
6. Several cardinals (thanks, Dad!)
5. At least a dozen people faster then me
4. At least 5 people slower than me
3. Bunnies!!
2. Fun puppies!!
1. A snake. And not just a snake in the grass – a snake poised to bite me just about 6 inches from my ankle. That, Friends, is a first.

Overall a great long run! Ended the way you should, feeling like I could go a little further. Also spent some time in the prayer garden at the First Methodist Church which is right by my house as a cool down. Great way to end my time. One long run down, only 14 to go!!

Hope everyone had great long runs today and that you’re feeling grateful, even if you’re run sucked, that you have a body that can move.


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