2013 Race Schedule! Time To Fill Up The Calendar!

Running is healthy. Running is good for me. Running helps me manage my stress and my weight, and gives me a strong heart and lungs. But there is something else that comes with my running that is completely unnecessary, exists only for my enjoyment, and is one of my favorite things about my life.


Racing is not necessarily healthy (many of us hurt ourselves on races because we push too hard and too far). Racing is somewhat good for me because it helps motivate me to run but it is most definitely NOT good for my wallet (case in point: Scott is doing our 2013 budget and there’s a whole line item for “Jen’s Races”). And racing doesn’t help me control my weight (give me a racing weekend with my girlfriends and I promise I will eat and drink many more calories than I burned!).

And I wouldn’t have it any other way. As I broke the seal on my 2013 calendar this morning I am thrilled with the fun things ahead. Here are the ones that ARE happening.

Disneyworld Marathon! A mere 2 weeks away!! Scotty and I will be joining our friends and I am beyond excited.

Princess Half Marathon!! This one is just the ladies – me and my sweet running girlfriends will have a wonderful (if far too short!) weekend together. I will wear pink. I will be sparkly. I will wear a tiara.

Disneyland Dumbo Double Dare!! Just announced, this is a 10K on Saturday followed by the DL Half on Sunday. This is an inaugural race and is bound to sell out quickly, be packed, and expensive. Good thing I got some Christmas money to offset the cost.

That’s all that’s on the calendar as of right now but there’s a lot of room in there. I may even sign up for more local races this year (they are, after all, far cheaper and more convenient;).

Years ago, someone brilliant (maybe my friend Liz) told me that your race is the party to celebrate all the hard work spent in training. It is, in my fact, my victory lap. It’s the time to look around at all the other people who have worked hard and put in the countless hours of early wake ups and yucky weather. The countless bottles of Advil and questions of “am I hurt or am I just sore?” I am beyond blessed to be able to race and I will continue to do it as long as my body and finances allow. And as long as my friends keep going with me and encouraging me to go further and faster than ever before (and Selma, you are mostly to blame for how expensive it’s going to be this year so I gave Scott your cell number;).

If you are considering your first race, this is going to be a great year for it. Why? Because it’s always a great year to set a new goal and take your body further than you ever thought it could go.

Happy New Racing Year, Everybody! Let’s make it a great one!!!!!!

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