Why Parenthood Going Off The Air Is NOT Going to Work for Me

I can’t. I just seriously can’t. Why are you leaving me, Bravermans? WHY?!?!?! Here’s why it’s not OK:

  1. Zeek – the perfectly imperfect dad. He loves fierce and sometimes in a really unhealthy way. But it’s OK, because the motive is right even when the actions come out clunky and odd. The perfect ex-hippie/military man (which is a very odd combo btw) and it works. Beautifully.
  2. Camille – because she loves her family first and foremost but knows herself well enough to say “it’s time for me now” or “stop acting like a huge baby” when that’s the appropriate response. The way she went to Europe alone LIKE A BOSS was legendary. And the way Zeek figured out he was screwing it up was a lesson to men everywhere.
  3. Lauren Graham – I used her name and not her characters name (It’s Sarah, btw) because I have an unhealthy attachment to her and think we’re friends because I just got over Gilmore Girls being over when she showed back up here. So it was OK. What do I do now?
  4. Jasmine – she is the hip ballerina I always wished I was and exactly what I hope people see when they look at me. They totally DON’T but that’s the vibe I always wanted (instead I sort of send off a conservative mom in the suburbs who’s just quirky enough to make people wonder vibe but whatever)
  5. Julia – no, not necessarily Joel and Julia because their choices of late are pissing me off (ETA after seeing the finale, OK, I’m back to liking them both again), but Julia as a working mom who put her job first sometimes and made that OK. Because that is OK. Smart, funny, pancake making and can we say, not a size double zero (she’s more like a 4 but by TV standards that makes her “normal”). 

Oh, and one more. But I couldn’t do 6, could I? Five was better.

Hattie: for being the first character (I think) to come out to her parents and just have them get it and love her unconditionally. It was awesome. And it was just a blip. Kudos for just making it a blip. Their love for her (and for whomever she chooses to love) went on.
I could go on but I have to go find a neighbor with a Xanax prescription so I can get through tonight. I think I’m kidding.

    Thank you, Bravermans. You have been awesome. I’ve enjoyed being your friend. Please change your mind.

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