What’s Going to Be “Real” About Your Christmas?

We have a real tree this year. We’ve had both kinds and although I’ll admit that the convenience and non-mess of a pre-lit LED tree cannot be beat, there’s just something about the real thing. The smell, the texture and yes, the imperfection. Did you know it’s almost (if not completely) impossible to get lights to hang perfectly on a real tree? Wanna know why? Because the TREE is imperfect! And no amount of adjusting is going to make the lights look perfect on an imperfect, natural tree.

And this, of course, made me think of how we approach our lives. We strive for perfection. We cling to it. We hope for it. We imagine it and fantasize about it.

Wait, at least I hope “we” do. If not, this is going to be a very awkward post.

But the problem is our goal of “perfect” is completely unattainable. It’s just not possible. Not this side of heaven, anyway. Because, just like my real tree, we are REALLY human. Really broken. Really, really imperfect.

Leonard Cohen famously said “there’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

And oh how beautiful is that? I think I want perfect. But Friends, let’s just say it. Perfect (in this world anyway) is creepy. And weird. And not approachable or loving or friendly. It doesn’t bring in close and connect. It repels and divides.

So this Christmas, as we celebrate the coming of the Messiah who’s message of love and redemption will, someday, make all things truly perfect, I’m choosing imperfection.

Because the only one who’s ever really been perfect loves me just as I am. He knows my name. He calls me daughter. And I call him Father.

And I can’t think of anything more worthy of celebration than that.

Imperfectly yours and happy running,


2 thoughts on “What’s Going to Be “Real” About Your Christmas?

  1. Thank you for this post, Jen.

    With so many opportunities to be fake and to feign perfection (a la Norman Rockwell), it is my sincere hope that I can just continue to be happy being me, a small imperfect speck in the grand design of God’s universe.

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