Here I am, in week 3 of training for my (fill in the blanknth) half marathon. I can’t give you a number there because I honestly have lost track. At last count I think I was at 14 or 15? Anyway, I’m not new to this thing but I remember when I was new (and even now when I’m discouraged or kind of done with running) reading other people’s training experiences has really helped me on my own journey! Hoping I can do the same for you.
Went to the orthopedist (finally) about my weird knee and hip thing and, as expected, it is ITBand syndrome. He was nothing but hopeful for a full recovery and gave me the following tips:
- Stretch (10X a day!) and he gave me specific stretches that I can’t really describe so I’ll try to find something online that shows them. Oh, here you go!
- No hills. I’m not to run ANY HILLS until the discomfort goes away completely. Hmmmm. Might be tough in Atlanta but I do have a few flat routes.
- Ice. And not an ice pack, rub an actual ice cube on the outside of my knee after every run and whenever I think of it.
- Roll it. But he doesn’t like foam rollers – says they’re too expensive. His suggestion? A $1 wallpaper roller from Home Depot. The smallest one. I already have a stick that I’m using but loved that suggestion!
- When my knee starts to hurt when running, I am to stop running IMMEDIATELY and walk home. This is NOT the kind of pain you want to “run through” because it will lead to much slower healing.
- No crossing my legs or sitting with my knee under me on the couch. This has been far harder than I thought! It’s so automatic! But I’m trying.
But he said I’m fine to keep running as it heals! Hurray! I am also very relieved that it’s not something more serious. Oh, and he said my x-rays showed the knees of an 18 year old. Awwww . . shucks.
This week’s long run was 5 miles and I honestly felt amazing. Dropping these few pounds (OK, 15 pounds) has really made a difference. My fastest mile was 10:08 which is REALLY good for me. Very happy about that.
I was sick at the beginning of the week, however, and only got one mid-week run done. But I did walk quite a bit and did my strength training so since we don’t make up miles (you do know that rule, right?? If you miss a training run, you don’t make it up you just move on) I’m fine with it. This week I should get all 3 runs in.
The Galloway Plan is on the Disney website if you want to join along! It’s still early in the plan so easy to join in. In addition to the 3 running days, I walk 3 – 5 miles on the other days so I get in a good amount of mileage each week. I find the combination of running days and walking days works best for me.
So . . . are you training for anything?? Are you hoping to be soon?? I’m including the most recent video from a friend and fellow Skirt Sports Ambassador because it’s just AMAZINGVILLE and if you’re not motivated, might help you get there!