Star Wars Half Marathon Training

Let’s talk about running, shall we? Because I am EXHAUSTED from all the other news. Heartbroken and exhausted. And talking about running is sure and doesn’t scare me like the other topics, so seems like a good way to spend a few minutes.

During last year’s Star Wars Dark Side half in Orlando and still no idea what was going on here. But we were having fun so who cares.

Star Wars Half, The Dark Side (do we still call it that since there’s no longer a Light Side? I mean, of course there’s a Light Side, it just doesn’t have  a half marathon anymore), is just about 9 weeks away.

9 weeks isn’t a lot, and it’s time for me to get my butt in gear and get serious about my training! I’m feeling really strong after getting the flu. A little note on that: THE FLU SUCKS.

SUCH a gorgeous day for a long run!!

Last weekend, I did a 6 mile long run and truly, it was SO AWESOME. I didn’t use any technology to track my time because I didn’t feel like it. I knew I wanted to go as slow as possible. I covered the miles and that was the only point! I don’t ever push the pace on long runs.

But I DO push the pace when I do speed work. I haven’t done speed work in, um, wait . .. I have no idea the last time I did speed work so it’s BEEN A MINUTE so it was definitely long overdue. It was short and sweet – just a 1/2 mile warm up, 4 X 400’s with walk breaks between each, and a 1/2 mile cool down on the treadmill. It was actually super fun. Blasted some serious running music (Dude Looks Like a Lady was one very effective playlist pick) and truly just loved it, even when I felt like I was going to throw up. Because runners are weird.

For the remainder of my training it will look like this (always subject to shift a day or two depending on weather):

Monday: long walk

Tuesday: Speedwork

Wednesday: walk or swim

Thursday: 3 miles easy

Friday: short walk or rest

Saturday: long run

Sunday: rest

this weekend should be around 7 miles. Yes, I only run 3 days a week when I’m training. As long as I do some kind of exercise the other days, I’ve found this to be my secret sauce for solid training with no overuse nonsense to worry about. Everyone is different and you may find 3 days a week to be too little but I’ve done that now for 4 half marathons (including one I PR’d) so if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And yes, I KNOW I should add at least 2 days of strength training. Maybe I will.

What are you training for? Any fun races coming up? As always, the routine of being in a training program makes me happy. I hope you’re happy, too.


4 thoughts on “Star Wars Half Marathon Training

  1. Thank you, Jen, for sharing your training plan. I also run three days a week, but have yet to really venture into speedwork. Your description makes it sound almost doable! I’m training now for the May 5 Grandad Half Marathon in La Crosse, WI. It’s a terrific race. Thanks again!

    1. I didn’t do speed work for years, and once I started doing it I realized it really is FUN! It can also be done effectively in 20 minutes so it’s a great option when you’re strapped for time. And congrats on training for your half – hopefully you’ll have great weather!! Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. I absolutely love reading your posts! I do miss you being in Texas. Maybe some day we’ll make it out to Georgia. Anyway, I’m training for Cowtown Half which is next weekend and then running the half at the Colorado Marathon in May. Definitely not going for a PR. Just trying to get back to enjoying running. I worked so hard to get a PR in my marathon last fall (St. George, Utah) that I got a bit burned out. I did get a PR so I’m glad I put in the work. But now it’s about finding the joy in running again. Just curious what you have on your playlist when you run with music?

    1. Karen! So good to hear from you! Would love you to come and visit us. Yup, I did almost the same thing as you a few years back – worked so hard for a PR and did accomplish it (Irving Half in fact) but got TOTALLY burned out. So now I have a sort of half-ass speed work approach: I do it once a week and only if it’s fun. Because getting done 5 minutes earlier isn’t worth 100 extra hours of training! I have such old school music on my running playlist, but also some newer things. Anything Vampire Weekend is good, some Barenaked Ladies, Fleetwood Mac (TUSK is AWESOME to run too) , Queen. . . .and than varied in with some Disney music. It’s a hot mess of a play list;)

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