Organizing My Way Through Global Chaos

I have always had a deep love for organization. Not as much when I was very young (my mom can tell you horror stories of my room as a child), but, interestingly, once my life became more complex, I found myself drawn to setting up systems that made order possible.

Because we live in a disorderly world. No, that’s not strong enough a word. We live in a CHAOTIC world.

The organization of my own spaces somehow helps me. I can’t precisely explain why, although my therapist says it’s actually a healthy coping mechanism. And I’m not alone. I talk to people all the time who are frantically trying to bring order to chaos when their world is systematically falling apart.

They are going through a tough divorce. So they’re organizing the pantry.

Grieving the death of their father. So they’re re-doing their master closet.

Their oldest child is leaving for college. So they’re cleaning out the basement.

It has to do with control. Because so much feels OUT of control. I realize every period of human history has had it’s share of chaos. For example, I was born during the Vietnam war and my mom wrote in my baby book that she questioned the wisdom of bringing a new child into such a horrible world. And yes, the war was horrible. But I think we still look at those as simpler times.

And it does indeed seem as thought we’re being asked to deal with an awful lot . . . at the same time. The threat of nuclear war, climate change, gun violence, sexual predators, deathly strains of the flu, all of it making us feel unsafe. And all of it making us feel chaotic.

Yes, my faith sustains me during these difficult times. I am grateful for a close and abiding relationship with something far bigger than myself and without it I question if my sanity would still be in tact.

But beyond that, on a practical level, there’s truly nothing like getting rid of some old clothes, folding things neatly in a drawer, or setting up a new area of my closet just for packing for trips (yes, I actually did that). Sometimes these projects are born with a sense of urgency that is truly impossible for me to explain. Like the day I woke up and decided the bins in my closet were offensive, or yesterday when the cabinet that houses our TV seemed loud and obnoxious. Don’t worry, I bought some baskets and got rid of the clutter on the shelves. It’s better now.

The “packing zone” of my master closet. All the drawers are filled with all the things I’ll need, and my suitcase just sits there ready for an adventure. Or an escape from the law. Just kidding.
That time the addition of 4 new baskets made me not want to hurl something at someone’s head.

Do you know what I watch on YouTube when I’m stressed? Packing videos. Video after video of how to be organized when you travel. Because that is the ULTIMATE order – fitting everything in your life in a carry on suitcase or even just a backpack. All of it. And then escaping. And she always does it, bless her random vlogger heart! She gets all of those things for 14 days in Europe into that ONE backpack. And it’s all so very orderly. So. Very. Orderly.

Does it do anything for the greater chaos? Um, wait, let me think, NO. Doesn’t do a damn thing. But I do feel slightly better when there is order. And in these times, if that’s what I need, then bring it. When I’m done with the organizing I still need to go do the other things: educate myself on what CAN be done, join groups that are doing something, and vote for people that I feel can bring about change.

And at the end of the day, when I’m tired, I can go open the door to my master closet and stare at how beautifully organized it is and have one moment of a happy, organized sigh. I may be weird, but I’m doing the best I can. I’m betting  you are, too.

So however you cope (Scott, for example, builds model airplanes), just keep doing it. Because it is in the small things that our hearts can find a much needed break. The chaos, I promise, will still be there for you when you’re done.


2 thoughts on “Organizing My Way Through Global Chaos

  1. Something about those baskets around that TV is very satisfying!

    I like having things organized, but I’m too lazy to actually do it most of the time. And then when I do try to organize things, I try to get it too perfect by being too granular with how I organize things that it just frustrates me. :/

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